Book: Criança levada a bordo de nave espacial e com controle total de como sua sala fica usando uma tela interativa


Tudo o que consigo lembrar é que existe uma criança, creio eu, numa nave espacial. Ele deu uma sala vazia e pode decorá-la usando uma tela para escolher o que ele quer. Eu não tenho certeza se isso é um romance ou conto, mas eu acredito que eu li na escola primária, que foram os anos 2000-2004.


  • Ele está procurando uma cama e vê a opção por uma pedra quente, e ele acaba se acomodando em uma rede.
por LampPost 06.09.2018 / 14:54

1 resposta

Existe um dispositivo como este numa nave espacial do My Teacher Glows in the Dark :

de Bruce Coville

Instantly the wall in front of me began to display a picture. That was neat; the entire wall was like a giant television screen...The picture it showed now was actually a chart, with all kinds of furniture on it--and I do mean all kinds. Not only did it show chairs, desks, and beds, it had items that looked like everything from medieval torture devices to toilets designed for octopi.

Nosso narrador, Peter, recebe uma cadeira personalizada ("Menos de cinco minutos depois, a mesma cadeira que eu pedi bateu na porta do elevador transcendental") e uma rede:

After Broxholm left that first "night," I used the URAT to get myself something to sleep in. The most interesting thing on the chart—at least, the most interesting thing that looked like I could actually sleep in it—was a kind of hammock device. The only problem was, I couldn’t figure out where to hang it, since the walls in my room were smooth, and I had a feeling I wasn’t supposed to put screws or nails in them, even if I had screws or nails, which I didn’t.

I should have known not to worry. Each end of the hammock had a rope. At the end of the rope was a ball. When you threw the ball at the ceiling, it stuck wherever it struck, and didn’t come down until you gave the rope three sharp tugs.

So I got myself a hammock and hung it from my ceiling.

It was like sleeping on a cloud—though by the time I got it hung up, I was so exhausted I probably could have slept on a bed of cold seaweed and hot rocks.

07.09.2018 / 02:30