Talvez Neil R. Jones " O Satélite Jameson ":
"Jameson was obsessed with the idea of perfectly preserving his body
after death and succeeded by having it launched into space in a small
capsule. Jameson's body survived for 40,000,000 years, where it was
found orbiting a dead planet Earth by a passing Zorome exploration
ship...The Zoromes discovered that Jameson's body had been so well
preserved that they were able to repair his brain, incorporate it into
a Zorome machine body and restart it. The professor joined their crew
and, over the course of the series, participated in many adventures,
even visiting Zor, the Zorome homeworld, where he met biological
Zoromes. The professor eventually rose to command his own crew of
machine men on a new Zorome exploration ship.
É uma história bastante antiga publicada em 1931, mas que pode ter sido renovada.