O que é mais detalhado, a novelização Júnior ou Adulta?


Como eu já vi em algumas respostas usando citações de ambos, parece que ambas as novelizações são muito diferentes entre si. Em termos de detalhes e também em termos do enredo, eles contam (pequenas diferenças de detalhes, mas ainda diferenças).

Isso aumentou minha curiosidade sobre qual dos dois é mais detalhado? Que conta mais detalhes sobre os acontecimentos, os personagens, seus feitos e suas motivações, etc.

por Thomas 05.04.2016 / 21:50

2 respostas

O romance Júnior é dramaticamente mais curto que o romance Adulto (218 páginas vs. 485 nas versões ebook)

Algumas cenas, especialmente aquelas que envolvem violência, foram muito aparadas.

The complex restraining apparatus held Rey upright against an angled platform in the cell. She woke slowly. Disoriented, at first she thought she was alone. Her oversight was understandable, since the other person in the holding area did not move, did not make a sound, and at times scarcely seemed to breathe.
Though startled by his unsettlingly silent presence, she took a moment to take stock of her surroundings. They were as different as could be imagined from her previous ones. The last thing she remembered was the confrontation in the forest on Takodana, the sounds of battle, and sending away the droid BB-8. That, and then the mind probe. The pain. Her efforts to shut it out, and the contemptuous ease with which her mental defenses had been brushed aside. Even now, there was a lingering ache at the back of her eyes.
The forest was gone. So was Maz’s castle. Bereft of a point of reference, she had no choice but to ask.
“Where am I?” - Adult novel


Rey woke to find herself bound to an interrogation bench, tilted almost to a standing position. The interrogator himself lurked nearby, watching her through his metal mask.
“Where am I?” she asked him. - Junior novel

Há muito mais voz interna explicando porque os personagens estão agindo do jeito que estão

His head came up as the door to the holding cell whooshed open and a stormtrooper entered. At least, Poe mused, it would be over soon. He could look forward to freedom from any further tormenting thoughts. The trooper’s words to the room’s single guard surprised him, however. “I’m taking the prisoner to Kylo Ren.” - Adult novel


FN-2187 made a choice. Or more truthfully, after he’d considered all his options that didn’t involve interrogation, imprisonment, or execution, the choice made him.
He couldn’t have stopped the massacre on Jakku if he’d wanted. His squad mates would’ve turned their rifles on him. But there was something he might be able to do. Someone he might be able to save from Kylo Ren. - Junior novel

Há muito mais "tech-speak" no romance adulto

THE INTERIOR OF the TIE fighter was spotless. Droids and techs had done their work well, leaving it ready for pilot and gunner. It was a true pilot who now settled himself into the cockpit command seat. As to the other missing crew member, that remained to be seen.
Slipping free of his bloody, confining jacket, Poe examined the controls laid out before him. Some were familiar from his professional studies of First Order ships, others from perusing details of Old Imperial craft. What he didn’t recognize immediately, he felt sure he could work around. A modern fighter like this one would be naturally forgiving, its computational components engineered to compensate for pilot miscues and oversights. He was relying on the likelihood that the ship itself would automatically correct for any minor mistakes in judgment. - Adult novel


Once he saw the TIE fighter, Poe Dameron forgot about his pain.
Here was something he could handle. Two wings attached to twin ion engines. Built out of metal, held together by bolts. Nothing mystical about it, all mechanical. - Junior novel

A linguagem (escolha de palavras) no romance júnior é muito mais simplista

Halting an arm’s length from his father, Ren unclipped his lightsaber, looked down at it for a moment, and then extended it toward Han. For an instant that seemed to extend into forever, nothing happened. Smiling, Han reached for the weapon. Then, as the light from outside was fully blocked by the flow of descending, accumulating dark energy, Ren ignited the lightsaber - Adult novel


Ben unbelted his lightsaber hilt and held it out. Han looked at the hilt and then at his son. Finally, he reached for it.
“Thank you,” Ben said. He ignited the lightsaber. - Junior novel

O romance Adulto contém cenas adicionais que não ocorrem no filme. O romance Júnior está mais próximo do roteiro original.

“I’m taking the prisoner to Kylo Ren.”
Poe sagged in his seat. What more did they want from him? Everything, anything of value that he had known was now known to them. Had they overlooked some line of questioning? He could not think of one. But then, at the moment, his mind was not functioning properly.
The guard wondered, too. “I was not told to expect you. Why would Ren wish to question the prisoner outside the cell?”
The new arrival’s voice darkened. “Do you dare to question Kylo Ren’s motives?” “No, no, that’s not what I meant! I…” Without another word, the guard proceeded to release the prisoner from his shackles. It took twice as long as it should have, since in his sudden nervousness he kept fumbling the task. - Adult novel


“I’m taking the prisoner to Kylo Ren,” FN-2187 told the cell guard.
Mere mention of Ren’s name provoked the guard to action. He freed the prisoner from the chair and lifted him to his feet. FN-2187 did the rest, shoving the pilot through the doorway. - Junior novel

06.04.2016 / 10:28

Esta não é uma questão de Star Wars, por si só. A resposta é universal para qualquer assunto e gênero. Então, embora eu não tenha lido nenhuma das novelizações do TFA, responderei a sua pergunta de qualquer maneira:

A edição júnior (de qualquer romance que tenha um) destina-se a crianças ou jovens adultos, e é sempre mais curta e menos detalhada do que o romance completo, essencialmente por definição. Pode ser um pouco mais detalhado sobre coisas para as quais um leitor adulto não precisaria de explicação (pense em uma metáfora visual de trinta segundos de uma caneta orbitando em torno de pessoas em uma sala de reunião em vez de dizer "manobra de estilingue") ou que são mais interessantes para as crianças (por exemplo, passar mais tempo focando no animal de estimação fofo de alguém ou nas palhaçadas do alívio cômico), mas quase nunca incluirá quaisquer novos detalhes significativos que foram deixados de fora do romance completo.

Você pode, em alguns casos, ter a impressão de que o romance júnior está fornecendo mais informações quando viola o princípio "mostrar-não-dizer" e diz algo como "X tem uma queda por Y", quando em Na verdade, esta é uma informação que um leitor adulto inferiria de eventos e ações no romance completo.

Em termos de versões adultas e juniores sendo bastante diferentes, isso pode surgir a partir das circunstâncias mencionadas, bem como a necessidade de remover temas claramente "adultos". Se bem me lembro, a novela junior de abandona a maioria ou todos os temas sexuais do romance adulto, o que tem um grande impacto na história como um todo.

Mais uma vez, todas essas coisas estão implícitas em chamar um romance de versão "júnior". Um editor nunca usaria o termo "junior" em uma versão que contivesse mais detalhes e uma análise mais profunda dos eventos em questão.

06.04.2016 / 09:54