O Dr. Strangelove originalmente pretendia ser sério?


A lendária comédia de Kubrick Dr. O Strangelove é baseado no livro Alerta vermelho que não é de forma alguma cómico. Na época do lançamento, não muito depois da Crise dos Mísseis de Cuba, o pessimismo apocalíptico era a norma. Houve até outro filme com enredo semelhante, Fail Safe lançado no mesmo ano de um drama sério / thriller.

Então, como um romance sério sobre a desgraça nuclear se transformou em uma comédia? Sempre pretendeu ser uma comédia?

por matt_black 16.02.2013 / 20:19

2 respostas

Inicialmente, o objetivo era ser um drama, mas como Kubrick começou a trabalhar no roteiro

he began to see the absurdity and humor in many of the scenes and decided to write instead a "nightmare comedy."

Para orçamento Kubrick :

After all, what could be more absurd than the very idea of two mega-powers willing to wipe out all human life because of an accident, spiced up by political differeces that will seem as meaningless to people a hundred years from now as the theological conflicts of the Middle Ages appear to us today?


And it was at this point I decided to treat the story as a nightmare comedy. Following this approach, I found it never interfered with presenting well-reasoned arguments.

In culling the incongruous, it seemed to me to be less stylized and more realistic than any so-called serious, realistic treatment, which in fact is more stylized than life itself by its careful exclusion of the banal, the absurd, and the incongrous.

In the contect of impending world destruction, hypocrisy, misunderstanding, lechery, paranoia, ambition, euphemism, patrioism, heroism, and even reasonableness can evoke a grisly laugh.

Terry Southern era trazido

to punch up the humor and flesh out the comically grotesque characters

16.02.2013 / 23:06
No começo, Kubrick pretendia fazer um filme sério, mas logo decidiu abandonar a idéia, porque - ironicamente - ele achava que as pessoas ririam.

Q: Strangelove was based on a serious book, Red Alert. At what point did you decide to make it a comedy?

A: I started work on the screenplay with every intention of making the film a serious treatment of the problem of accidental nuclear war. As I kept trying to imagine the way in which things would really happen, ideas kept coming to me which I would discard because they were so ludicrous. I kept saying to myself: "I can't do this. People will laugh." But after a month or so I began to realize that all the things I was throwing out were the things which were most truthful. After all, what could be more absurd than the very idea of two mega-powers willing to wipe out all human life because of an accident, spiced up by political differences that will seem as meaningless to people a hundred years from now as the theological conflicts of the Middle Ages appear to us today?

So it occurred to me that I was approaching the project in the wrong way. The only way to tell the story was as a black comedy or, better, a nightmare comedy, where the things you laugh at most are really the heart of the paradoxical postures that make a nuclear war possible. Most of the humor in Strangelove arises from the depiction of everyday human behavior in a nightmarish situation, like the Russian premier on the hot line who forgets the telephone number of his general staff headquarters and suggests the American President try Omsk information, or the reluctance of a U.S. officer to let a British officer smash open a Coca-Cola machine for change to phone the President about a crisis on the SAC base because of his conditioning about the sanctity of private property.
- Stanley Kubrick

Considerando o fato de que o filme originalmente deveria terminar com uma briga de tortas, eu diria que o produto final é um pouco mais sério do que pretendia ser.

After a screening of Dr. Strangelove I cut out a final scene in which the Russians and Americans in the War Room engage in a free-for-all fight with custard pies. I decided it was farce and not consistent with the satiric tone of the rest of the film1.
- Stanley Kubrick

1 Há muito tem havido especulações de que a luta de torta foi cortada, em parte, porque o presidente dos EUA, John F. Kennedy, havia sido assassinado uma semana antes da estréia do filme (a estréia foi adiada por alguns meses por causa do assassinato). Na luta de tortas, o presidente Merkin Muffley é atingido com uma torta em um ponto, ao qual outro personagem responde. -presidente-kennedy-assassinato-kubrick-20131122 ">" Nosso amado Presidente foi abatido em seu auge ". Se isso é verdade ou não, sabemos que a linha original "Um cara poderia ter um fim de semana muito bom em Dallas" foi mudada para "Um cara poderia ter um final de semana muito bom em Vegas" porque Kennedy foi morto em Dallas, então é, pelo menos, plausível.

22.05.2016 / 07:18