Livro onde cobaia médica pode ver monstros que ninguém mais pode ver


Eu tenho uma vaga lembrança do enredo, mas não me lembro do título do livro ou do autor.

Era sobre um garoto que estava preso sendo testado. Ele tinha novos produtos químicos testados nele. Lembro-me de uma longa descrição de como suas pernas queimavam e ele teve que subir uma escada para chegar à sua cama. Então, de alguma forma ele escapa ou algo assim e pode ver esses monstros que ninguém mais pode ver. Exceto que esse grupo de outros jovens o encontra porque eles podem ver os monstros também. E ele e o grupo acabam lutando contra esse monstro invisível / alienígenas juntos.

por Stephanie 06.04.2015 / 03:49

1 resposta

O Supernaturalista de Eoin Colfer. O resumo da trama de Goodreads diz:

In the future, in a place called Satelite City, fourteen-year-old Cosmo Hill enters the world, unwanted by his parents. He's sent to the Clarissa Frayne Institute for Parentally Challenged Boys, Freight class. At Clarissa Frayne, the boys are put to work by the state, testing highly dangerous products. At the end of most days, they are covered with burns, bruises, and sores. Cosmo realizes that if he doesn't escape, he will die at this so-called orphanage. When the moment finally comes, Cosmo seizes his chance and breaks out with the help of the Supernaturalists, a motley crew of kids who all have the same special ability as Cosmo-they can see supernatural Parasites, creatures that feed on the life force of humans. The Supernaturalists patrol the city at night, hunting the Parasites in hopes of saving what's left of humanity in Satellite City. Or so they think. The Supernaturalist soon find themselves caught in a web far more complicated than they'd imagined, when they discover a horrifying secret that will force them to question everything they believe in. Eoin Colfer has created an eerie and captivating world-part Blade Runner, part futuristic Dickens-replete with non-stop action.

Eu li o livro várias vezes, e prometo que ele atinge todas as batidas:

  • Protagonista exposto ao teste do produto

    Satellite City was not part of any welfare state, so its institutions had to raise funds in any way they could. Clarrisa Frayne's [the orphanage our protagonist belongs to] speciality was product testing. Whenever a new food or untested pharmaceutical product was being developed, the orphanages volunteered it's "no-sponsor" charges as guinea pigs.

  • Pernas queimadas

    The no-sponsors relaxed once Redwood [the Marshal] had gone, and the silence of discipline was replaced by the groans and sobs of boys in pain. Cosmo [our protagonist] touched his legs gingerly where a particularly acidic spray had actually burned the skin.

  • Suba uma escada na cama

    Three hundred orphans turned immediately to the dozen or so steel ladders, and began climbing. Nobody wanted to be stranded on the dorm floor once the ladders were retracted. If the marshals caught a no-sponsor on the ground after lights out, a ten-mile run would seem like a Sunday stroll compared to the punishment they would dish out.


    Cosmo climbed quickly, ignoring the pain in his leg muscles. His pipe was near the top. If the lights went out before he reached it, he could be stranded on the ladder.

  • O protagonista escapa. Não consigo encontrar uma citação conveniente para isso (a fuga cobre a maior parte de um capítulo), mas garanto que isso acontece.

  • O protagonista pode ver monstros invisíveis que a maioria das pessoas não consegue, e ele se depara com um grupo de garotos que todos podem vê-los

    "We, Cosmo Hill, are the world's only Supernaturalists."


    "We call ourselves Supernaturalists because we hunt supernatural creatures."


    "There aren't many of us [who can see the creatures]," said Stefan, looking Cosmo straight in the eyes. Cosmo made an effort not to look away. "Not enough to be believed. It doesn't help that most Spotters are kids. Maybe our minds are more open."

  • O protagonista se junta ao grupo e luta contra monstros

    "You're a rarity, Cosmo. Your choice is to be a rarity with [the Supernaturalists], where it will do some good, or go back to Clarissa Frayne."

    What choice? Cosmo would take his chances with a thousand Parasites before returning to the orphanage. A person can only take so many medical experiments.

    "I'd like to stay."

06.04.2015 / 04:17