Livro série sobre um órfão fazendo amizade com um dragão e viajando entre estrelas


Nos meus primeiros anos, eu li um livro sobre um menino órfão com estranhos olhos coloridos encontrados em um mundo fora do planeta e criado, por algum motivo, eu continuo pensando que seu nome é Fix, embora isso possa estar incorreto. Ele é amigo / vínculo com um pequeno tipo de dragão (Dragon Pixie?) Enquanto cresce.

À medida que a série progride, ele viaja planetas e, na verdade, devido à velocidade da luz, ele tecnicamente se move para o futuro sem envelhecer muito em um navio com IA totalmente automatizada, projetado por uma raça que ele ajudou a salvar?

Me desculpe, eu não consigo lembrar mais, isso foi há pelo menos 11 anos atrás, eu lembro que havia muitos livros na série e ele foi visto como um profetizado que iria salvar o universo.

O último livro terminou no personagem principal dizendo "Estou entediado"

por Gagan 05.06.2017 / 21:39

1 resposta

Livros de Pip e Flinx de Allen Dean Foster, parte do " Humanx Commonwealth " livros.

Flinx was born 533 A.A (2933 A.D) in Allahabad, India, on Terra. Flinx was born to a high-end prostitute named Rud Anasage Lynx (the last part Lynx is a title for her form of prostitute, not a last name.) She was approximately age 22. It was recorded that Flinx had unusual R-wave activity in his brain at birth that was noted as indicating potential or possible abnormal class one talent. However, the Anasage was not his "mother" in the conventional sense, nor did he have a "father." As revealed by Anayabi in Patrimony, both the paternal and maternal genetic material was combined from base elements, "a strand of protein here, a fragment of nucleic acid there," before being inserted into Anasage; Flinx was one of many experiments by a group known as the Meliorare Society, though Skua September admitted donating genetic material to the Meliorares when a similarity between Flinx and himself was noted.

Flinx together with several other "experiments" was raised in several locations, constantly being relocated to avoid the authorities, who eventually overpowered many of the renegade engineers and reclaimed the children. Flinx was evaluated as normal, and deposited in a slaver market where, at the age of eight, he was bought by Mother Mastiff and thereafter raised in a lower class section of Drallar on the planet Moth. Mother Mastiff practiced a variety of scams, often aimed at tourists, and Flinx followed in her footsteps becoming a minor thief. Early on, Flinx discovered that he had a quite erratic and uncontrollable empathic (i.e. sensing another's emotions) ability. He came across and was befriended by an Alaspinian minidragon in an alley during his wanderings around Drallar; he named the minidrag "Pip" and it become his closest companion.

E sim, o décimo quarto livro, Flinx Transcendent termina com a seguinte linha de Flinx:

"I'm — bored."

05.06.2017 / 21:42