Castelos, reis, mágicos, magos, quatro orbes, morcegos gigantes e profecias cavernas colinas


Eu acredito que ele começa em uma taverna e alguém vai ser um aprendiz para alguém ... essa parte é borrada ... mas eu me lembro de castelos e um rei maligno e seus mágicos estavam falhando com ele ... lá foram 3 eu acho.

Eu acredito que alguém foi resgatado do castelo, não totalmente certo. E havia esses gigantescos monstros de pedra que as equipes de resgate precisavam evitar para chegar ao castelo. Um deles subiu a torre e entrou pela janela. De qualquer forma, havia 4 órbitas que precisavam ser obtidas para despertar um rei adormecido que, acredito, traria a paz de volta à terra. E havia morcegos gigantes e festas malignas também tentando obter os orbes.

Não foi escrito por uma mulher. E foi escrito antes de 2012 porque foi quando eu li, possivelmente um ano mais cedo. Eu acho que pode ter sido parte de uma série.

Alguém sabe o que é isso?

por Jess B 07.05.2018 / 09:37

1 resposta

Poderia ser O Rei Adormecido de Cindy Dees?

Esta revisão menciona muitos dos itens do trope que você indicamos acima.

In this adventure fantasy story we have a world – Urth – that has varying lands and inhabitants. Magic is aplenty but so is the tyranny. We start the book with events that happened years ago, a controlling emperor who can bend anyones thoughts and will to his own, his power hungry overlords who rule regions of Urth in any manner they choose as long as they line the Emperor’s pockets and some good people who a forced to make sacrifices for the greater good…… but there is also a prophecy…. One that portends the downfall of the Emperor and his regime! The emperor will do everything in his power to stop this from happening but can you change fate?

Fast forward a few years and we meet Will, a young lad on the brink of adulthood wanting to prove to his parents that he should be allowed to train & fight for his little village. Little does he know that his village will need fighting for very soon and everything he thought he knew – is not all there is to know. He is sent on an errand to a nearby city to report to one person alone and to warn them that the enemy is moving and they need to prepare – but will he be taken seriously when the Governor of the city is corrupt as they come?

Elsewhere Raina is on the verge of becoming a woman, 16 and on the cusp of life – that is until she has a family tradition thrust upon her that will change everything and leave her all but caged. Headstrong Raina will refuse her family tradition, she will not accept what is laid out for her and she will flee her home in a desperate escape from a life that she doesn’t want. With help from a mysterious Elf she will search for a way to relieve her family from its duty so that no other daughter will be forced to accept a fate like that which is waiting for her.

Both Will and Raina believe the answer to their problems is in the prophecy of the ‘Sleeping King’ who will conquer all and bring the world back into balance. They head out with some friends in the hopes they will find the Kings resting place so they can awaken him…..but many enemies await and they journey will be full of danger – will they set a prophecy in motion? Will they wake the Sleeping King?

06.06.2018 / 12:21