Havia algo de especial no pássaro de Ivan?


No começo de Homem de Ferro 2 , vemos Ivan Vanko assistindo Tony Stark na TV, e há um pássaro na sala com Ivan.

Mais tarde no filme, Ivan Vanko e Justin Hammer fazem um acordo sob a condição de que Hammer traga o pássaro de Ivan da Rússia.

Havia alguma coisa especial sobre essa ave, além de ser o animal de estimação de Ivan?

Além disso, por que teria sido tão difícil para Hammer pegar o pássaro? Ele não poderia ter enviado alguém para o lugar de Ivan? Quero dizer, ele passou pelo incômodo de fornecer algum tipo de pássaro, então ...

por Charles 11.04.2018 / 17:18

2 respostas

Was there anything special about this bird, other than it being Ivan's pet?

Não ...

Ivan, aparentemente, está ligado ao pássaro original , mas mesmo quando Hammer lhe dá um substituto óbvio , Ivan parece meio sem conteúdo. Em nenhum momento ele PARAR trabalhando (aparentemente) por Hammer *

Francamente, Ivan Vanko está em um gulag siberiano há muitos anos ... é improvável que o pássaro esteja vivo.

Justin: Hey, hey, hey. Special delivery. Candygram. [Ivan climbs down from where he was working] I brought you something. Oh yeah. [Removes cloth] We got you the bird, pal.

Ivan: This is not my bird.

Justin: What do you mean? That’s the bird. This is the bird. Yeah, pulled a lot of strings to get this bird. This is a great bird.

Jack: It’s a beautiful bird.

Justin: We got this bird all the way from Russia.

Ivan: Hey, man, this is not my bird.

Justin: Well, listen, even if it’s not the bird, I mean, this is a gorgeous bird.

Quando Hammer leva o pássaro embora, Ivan apenas dá de ombros ...

Justin: Hey, there he is. It’s the bird man. Now you like the bird. Is that right? Is that your bird? I’m confused. You said it wasn’t, but now it looks like you’re the best of pals. You love that bird, don’t you? You know what? Take the bird.

Ivan: [As man grabs bird] Hey!

* Claro, é bem óbvio que Ivan estava sempre planejando trair o Hammer, já que ele estava apenas usando-o para seus próprios fins.

Até esse ponto, independentemente de sua afeição pela ave original, ela não era importante devido à sua vontade de se vingar da família Stark

11.04.2018 / 18:00

Para adicionar mais informações a uma boa resposta e responder a uma pergunta de comentário do OP:

Any idea of why Ivan cared about the bird so much? I was wondering/thinking maybe it had to do with his father or sth..

De Quora :

Actually, the bird was Mickey Rourke's idea. It wasn't in any of the drafts of the script, but Rourke wanted something to establish that Ivan was not a terrible guy; he just had some serious revenge issues. He wanted to show that he was able to form an emotional bond (apparently the bond with his father in that opening scene just wasn't strong enough for him).

This is a round about way of saying that, when Ivan gets the second bird, he's upset that Hammer didn't actually get his bird from Russia. This does not mean that he can't bond with the new bird. My thought is that he makes the most of it, and makes friends with the bird they've brought. It isn't the bird's fault, so why take it out on the bird? Ivan's emotional side (that Rourke tries so hard to establish) dictates that he also likes this bird, too.


When he gets to Hammer and asks for his bird, he is testing Hammer to see how far he can push him, knowing already what he wants to do… Hammer needed him, so he agreed to “the bird”, which became a bird - much the same as suits became drones… Hammer thought he was being clever but Ivan had already sussed him and was 3 steps ahead.

Para adicionar uma fonte se você não acredita os caras do Quora:

According to the actor, the bird wasn't the only aspect of his character he came up with and pushed for in the film.
"I bounced these ideas off [Jon] Favreau. He had to fight for me to be okay with the teeth and tattoos and the bird," said Rourke. "Everything was a little bit of a fight, but once I justified it, Favreau had to go to the powers that be."

12.04.2018 / 01:22