Precisa de ajuda para identificar - Histórico alternativo - Armada espanhola vence o inglês


Alguém pode me ajudar a identificar essa história que eu li na década de 1980 (?).

O que eu me lembro é que em 1588 a Armada Espanhola não foi destruída em seu caminho para combater a frota inglesa e os ingleses foram derrotados. Isso leva a um presente século XX em que os espanhóis são a cultura dominante. A tecnologia se desenvolveu de maneira diferente, com viagens no tempo, mas sem luz elétrica nem automóveis.

por nmgsantiago 28.05.2017 / 00:04

1 resposta

Isso é " Times Without Number " de John Brunner.

  • A Armada foi bem sucedida

    The book's plot takes place in the years 1988–1989 in a timeline where the Spanish Armada under the command of the Duke of Parma successfully invaded England in 1588. This success was especially due to Parma's second-in-command, the Earl of Barton – the illegitimate son of a Catholic Scottish nobleman, who entered the service of Spain and turned out to be one of the great military talents of history (at the end of the book it is explained why our history knows no such person).

  • A tecnologia de viagens no tempo está presente em uma sociedade de outra forma atrasada

    Meanwhile, in Europe the Habsburg Monarchy transformed itself into the powerful "Confederacy of the East", ruling the whole of central and eastern Europe and becoming the long-lasting rival of the Londres-based Western Empire. In 1892, an Italian named Boromeo discovered the secret of time-travel, though otherwise the overall level of technology remained not much higher than it was in the 16th Century, with people travelling primarily on horseback and cities lit by open fires. in principle, time travel could have been used as a means of instantaneous travel, but that would have involved the traveller being in two places at the same time, at least for a split second; fearing a time paradox, such use of the device was strictly forbidden.

28.05.2017 / 00:10