Por que o uso de palavrões aparentemente desnecessários em The King's Speech?


O enredo de O Discurso do Rei é claramente classificado pelo PG , mas o uso pesado de palavrões fez o filme AVALIADO R. Mas em contraste com a mudança significativa do PG para R, o uso dessas palavrões parecia desnecessário no filme com pouco impacto na história.

O que a profanidade acrescenta à história do filme e aos temas que tomaram essa decisão parece ser boa para os cineastas? Existe alguma palavra deles sobre isso ou alguma análise mais aprofundada sobre a forma como este IMHO desnecessário profanidade adicionado ao filme?

por The Hawk 10.06.2017 / 14:58

1 resposta

Embora a "profanidade" possa não ter acrescentado nada ao enredo per se é, aparentemente, apenas uma técnica possível usada para "curar" uma gagueira e essa foi a luta primária que está sendo representada.

A eficácia é questionável, no entanto ...

"The King's Speech" also touches upon the more ineffective therapies used during the time period, which included trying to speak with pebbles in the mouth and cursing up a storm to get the words out.


Another lesson is anger can produce fluency for someone who stutters. Albert is nearly always fluent when he is angry and cursing. So am I.

The Stuttering Foundation

Citações de filmes

Lionel Logue: You don’t stammer when you swear.

No entanto, uma versão alternativa do filme foi lançada.

...the Weinstein Co was told that, if 3 of the 5 uses of the swear word “Fuck” were muted, then the pic would receive a lesser rating than its current “R”. No film footage was altered in keeping with director Tom Hooper’s insistence that the stammering king’s pivotal therapy-by-cursing scene not be cut. Deadline initially broke the news that The Weinstein Co was seeking the lower PG-13 film rating in response to educational and church groups who wanted to show the movie.


This artistic, or rather commercial, license annoyed Firth, who on Oscar night told reporters, “I don’t support it. I think the film has integrity as it stands. I think that scene belongs where it is. I think it serves a purpose.” The cut version also stoked spasms of outrage in the college of critics. “For the benefit of a teensy portion of the population,” wrote John Serba of the Grand Rapids (Mich.) Press, “the artistic vision of director Tom Hooper is compromised …” Roger Ebert tweeted, “Today is the last day you can see ‘The King’s Speech’ with the F word. F**k!”


Além disso, a classificação "R" não foi usada no Reino Unido ... onde inicialmente foi dada uma classificação "15" que foi então rebaixada

..BBFC later announced that its classification decision had been given "careful consideration" by its president and director. The board took the view it would be suitable for the less restrictive 12A rating. The BBFC added: "The public would understand why the board has reached this decision."

Colin Firth, who plays the reluctant king, said the context of the words was everything – that they were not being used in a sexual way or to insult or describe anyone. "It would be very interesting to know who the people are who would complain about that stuff ahead of violence."


10.06.2017 / 15:15