Quem cuidou de Teddy?


Em Harry Potter e as Relíquias da Morte somos informados de que Remus Lupin e Tonks têm um filho.

However, both Remus and Tonks die leaving Teddy without parents.

À luz disso - quem acaba cuidando de Teddy?

por Dason 17.06.2012 / 00:01

1 resposta

A mãe de Nymphadora Tonk (a avó de Teddy ao lado da mãe) Andromeda Tonks .

De 2007/07/30 Chat Bloomsbury com JKR:

Tineke: Did teddy grow up living with his grandmother?
JKR: Yes, Teddy was raised by Andromeda.
JKR: However, unlike Neville, who was also raised by his grandmother
JKR: Teddy had his godfather, Harry, and all his father's friends in the Order, to visit and stay with.

17.06.2012 / 00:25