O que aconteceu com Kamino depois das Guerras Clônicas?


Uma vez que Palpatine solidificou seu império e começou a recrutar humanos regulares em vez de clones, o que aconteceu com Kamino e sua população? Palpatine ordenou um ataque ao planeta? Eles foram deixados em paz (parece improvável, quando alguém poderia abordá-los sobre a clonagem de um exército de insurgentes)?

por Nu'Daq 03.02.2018 / 04:18

1 resposta

Disney Canon

A única referência que chegamos ao destino de Kamino após o Clone Wars é em uma conversa paralela que um personagem tem.

"I heard they shut down the facilities on Kamino. They'll train up the last batch of clones and that's it."

Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith 2 — The Chosen One, Part II


A "rebelião clone" (12 ABY)

Após as Guerras Clônicas, os Kaminoanos lideraram uma " rebelião clone " onde criaram um exército de clones para se opor ao clone. Império.

"Officially, there never was a 'clone rebellion' on Kamino. Unofficially, approximately twenty years after we were created, a special detachment of the Imperial 501st Legion was dispatched to Kamino, with orders to eradicate an army of clones that had been bred to take arms against the Empire."

Star Wars Battlefront II (2005), "Changing of the Guard"

Como resultado dessa rebelião, o Império reduziu enormemente o número de soldados clones usados em suas fileiras e começou a usar soldados alistados. Isso explica por que os Stormtroopers são menos comumente clones.

Destruição dos Rebeldes (1 ABY)

O clímax de The Force Unleashed II envolve um assalto a Kamino entre as forças imperiais e a Aliança Rebelde. Como eles não têm meios para segurar Kamino, eles escolhem destruir as instalações de clonagem.

[Juno Eclipse asked] “What about Kamino? I hope you’re not thinking of leaving all this behind for the Emperor to start up again.”

[Bail Organa responded] “We’ll search the databases for any information on the space station the Emperor’s building. I’m sure it’s all been erased, but it’s still worth looking. Then we’ll ditch the Star Destroyers into the ocean and wreck the facilities with the resulting tsunami. In an hour or two, there’ll be nothing left.”


Starkiller’s expression was impassive, but she could tell that he was watching closely as the cloning towers receded below them. Barely had they lifted off when the first of the gutted Star Destroyers hit the ocean several klicks away. There was a flash like the rising of the sun as several megatons of water instantly vaporized. The shock wave radiated outward in a wave of steam hundreds of meters high. In seconds, the tsunami reached the towers, knocking them over and occluding the wreckage from sight.

The Force Unleashed II (novel), "Epilogue: Kamino"

Colapso financeiro (após 4 DBY)

De acordo com O Atlas Essencial , as instalações de clonagem continuaram com alguma capacidade. Não tenho uma citação direta, então aqui está o resumo da Wookieepedia :

After the Battle of Endor, the collapse of the Empire triggered an economic collapse of Kamino and the production of clones eventually ended. The planet continued to survive on smaller contracts, often for warlords and criminal organizations.

03.02.2018 / 07:13