Procurando por uma história onde as pessoas baixam suas consciências em corpos


Eu tenho procurado por uma história em que as pessoas fazem download de clones (algo como Ghost in the Shell ) para viajar pelo espaço e uma pobre garota encontra uma no rio (ela não sabe o que é) e a pessoa faz o download para ela. Tudo que consigo lembrar da capa é que é vermelho.

por cherebrown 21.04.2013 / 06:25

1 resposta

Parece Substitutos de Robert Venditti um pouco.

In the year 2054, people use surrogates (humanoid remote control vehicles) to interact with each other (telepresence). In Central Georgia Metropolis, Lt. Harvey Greer investigates the destruction of two surrogates. Greer soon discovers a mysterious figure, which he nicknames “Steeplejack”, plots to permanently disable all surrogates in an effort to eliminate people's dependence on them. Greer considers the anti-surrogate religious leader named “The Prophet” a suspect, but The Prophet is later killed by Steeplejack. Similar to Steeplejack and The Prophet, Greer feels people have become too reliant on surrogates for superficial reasons. Greer chooses to work the investigation in person after Steeplejack destroys Greer's surrogate.


Greer later discovers Steeplejack is a surrogate controlled by Lionel Canter, the inventor of the original surrogate. Lionel designed surrogates as a tool for the physically impaired and became dissatisfied with their widespread personal use by the non-impaired. Eventually Lionel/Steeplejack successfully disables surrogates throughout the city. Greer later discovers his wife Margaret, a surrogate-addict, has committed suicide because her attractive-looking surrogate was disabled.

25.04.2013 / 23:20