Tahiri fez sexo com Jacen Solo?


Pouco antes do cânone do Legends terminar, Tahiri Veila foi levada a julgamento por seu tempo como aprendiz de Jacen Solo - er, Darth Caedus -, e especificamente pelo assassinato de Gilad Pellaeon. Durante o julgamento, quando ela está sendo questionada pelo promotor, temos a seguinte troca:

[...] "please tell the court about your… relationship with Jacen Solo?"

Now he was going in for the kill. He could switch gears fast. She'd half expected Eramuth to leap forward with an objection, but he seemed completely at ease.

"Of course," she said, taking her cue from her lawyer and not rising to the bait. "I knew Jacen Solo half my life."

"So there was no personal relationship?"

She'd known this was coming, and replied calmly. "There was."

He tried and failed to hide the gleam of excitement in his eyes. "Please elaborate on the nature of this relationship."

"Objection," said Eramuth. "Surely, the court has no prurient interest in the details of Tahiri Veila's private life."

"Your Honor, I am trying to establish how deeply involved the accused and Jacen Solo were, whether their relationship was personal or professional."

Judge Zudan considered, then said, "Overruled. The prosecution may continue."

Tahiri felt heat rising in her cheeks, but kept her face calm. "So, would it be accurate to say that you and Jacen Solo were lovers?" Dekkon continued.

"We were involved," Tahiri said bluntly. "Love had nothing to do with it."

"So we may assume that you were physically—"

"Objection!" Eramuth said again. His whiskers bristled, and he was the very image of wounded propriety. "Further questioning along this line verges on the salacious. A relationship has been established. No one here needs to know details. This is a trial, not a holodrama."

O juiz concorda com o defensor (Eramuth) e o julgamento avança para outros tópicos. Mas agora estou curioso. Essa troca parece indicar que Tahiri e Jacen tiveram um relacionamento sexual ... mas em nenhum momento durante o arco da história "Legacy of the Force" foi mencionado ou sugerido. Solo ainda estava apaixonado por Tenel Ka naquela época, e Tahiri ainda estava apaixonado por Anakin Solo, apesar de sua morte.

Tahiri teve uma relação sexual com Jacen Solo, ou eu estou simplesmente lendo esta troca incorretamente?

por Omegacron 09.06.2017 / 20:25

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