Quem são todas essas pessoas mortas no final do Casino?


No final do filme Casino , podemos ver a cena de pancada onde várias pessoas são mortas. Link alternativo

Não está muito claro quem eles são e por que os chefes da multidão ordenaram sua morte. Eles obviamente não podem matar todos os funcionários do cassino, o que poderia incluir milhares de pessoas.

Então, quem são e por que especificamente eles foram condenados a serem mortos?

por Silver Bebs 29.05.2017 / 19:07

1 resposta

Andy Stone , morto pelos dois assassinos enquanto sai da churrascaria

  • Quem?

ACE: As far as the world was concerned, Andy Stone, the head of the Teamsters' Pension Fund, was a legitimate guy.

  • Por quê?

NICKY: As much as they liked him, I mean, he wasn't one of us. He wasn't Italian. As far as they knew, he could have talked. Otherwise, Stony might still be alive.

John Nance, morto em sua mansão na Costa Rica

  • Quem?

NICKY: The guys inside the counting room were all slipped in there to skim the joint dry. They'd do short counts, they'd lose fill slips. They'd even take cash right out of the drop boxes. And it was up to this guy right here, standing in front of about two million dollars, to skim the cash off the top without anybody getting wise, the IRS or anybody.

Nance é o mensageiro que leva o dinheiro para os patrões em Kansas City.

  • Por quê?

NICKY: The first one to skip was John Nance. He found a nice, warm secluded place in Costa Rica. He thought nobody would find him there. But, then, his kid got nabbed by the Feds for drugs, and so naturally the bosses were afraid he'd come out of hiding just to save his kid and give 'em all up.

Dois contadores, mortos pelos dois pistoleiros no deserto

  • Quem?

O executivo da sala de contagem

O contador # 2

Eles estavam bem cientes do esquema, como diz Nicky:

NICKY: The guys inside the counting room were all slipped in there to skim the joint dry. They'd do short counts, they'd lose fill slips. They'd even take cash right out of the drop boxes.

Richie, morto em seu carro

  • Quem?

  • Por quê?

Ele é um executivo da Tangiers, também ciente do esquema como os outros caras.


30.05.2017 / 16:05