S6E08 o que foi que Cersei e Qyburn falaram?

No episódio 8 da 6 ª temporada, houve uma cena com Cersei e Qyburn após o discurso do rei Tommen. Eles conversaram sobre "algum boato" e sobre como os pássaros dizem que é muito mais do que apenas um boato. Mas eles não dizem especificamente que rumor é. Não me lembro de ter sido mencionado em um episódio anterior, mas eu poderia, é claro, ter esquecido. Sabe-se a que rumor eles estavam se referindo?

por Ivo Beckers 13.06.2016 / 11:40

1 resposta

Só podemos especular até que algo seja mostrado, o que provavelmente não acontecerá no S06E09; Eu suspeito que os fogos de artifício serão reservados para o final da temporada (extra-longa). Mas

  • passando pelas palavras de Qyburn:

    "Your Grace... that old rumor you told me about."

    (observe o "antigo"),

  • olhando para o que é dito em seguida:

    Qyburn: My little birds investigated.

    Cersei: And? Was it just a rumor or something more?

    Qyburn: More. Much more.

    (com o "mais" sugerindo para mim que ele está falando sobre o volume de algo),

  • e olhando para o contexto (Cersei procurando maneiras de derrotar o militante da fé),

Eu só consigo pensar em uma coisa: wildfire .

Há muito disso abaixo da capital (citando a Wikia):

While convalescing at Harrenhal, Jaime Lannister reveals to Brienne of Tarth that the real reason he killed Mad King Aerys II Targaryen is because he was planning on burning the entire capital city to ashes with wildfire, rather than let it fall to the rebels. When it began to appear that the rebels would win the war, the Mad King had his pyromancers hide caches of wildfire all over King's Landing - under the Great Sept of Baelor, under the slums of Flea Bottom, under houses, stables, taverns, and even under the Red Keep itself.

Há um pouco de aviso prévio nas palavras de Jaime em outras partes do episódio, em sua conversa com Edmure Tully:

I suppose all mothers do, but Catelyn and Cersei, there's a fierceness you don't often see. They'd do anything to protect their babies. Start a war. Burn cities to ash. Free their worst enemies. The things we do for love.

Em The Bear and the Maiden Fair, um episódio da terceira temporada, Simei também sugeriu o desastre que ele evitou :


A parte relevante:

Qyburn: How many men have you killed, my lord?

Jaime: I don't know.

Qyburn: 50? 100? Countless.

Jaime: Countless has a nice ring to it.

Qyburn: And how many lives have you saved?

Jaime: Half a million. The population of King's Landing.

Observe também as palavras de Tyrion para Daenerys em S06E09, "Batalha dos bastardos" :

You once told me you knew what your father was. Did you know his plans for King's Landing when the Lannister armies were at his gates? Probably not. Well, he told my brother and Jaime told me. He had caches of wildfire hidden under the Red Keep, the Guildhalls, the Sept of Baelor, all the major thoroughfares. He would have burned every one of his citizens. The loyal ones and the traitors. Every man, woman, and child. That's why Jaime killed him.

Em "The Winds of Winter", o final da sexta temporada (S06E10), nós aprendemos quais rumores se referiam a Qyburn e Cersei:

Ser Gregor Clegane prevents King Tommen from leaving the royal palace to attend the trial of Ser Loras Tyrell and Cersei Lannister in the Great Sept of Baelor. Queen Margaery Tyrell, Lord Mace Tyrell, and Ser Kevan Lannister are already there amongst many spectators, as well as the High Sparrow.

Finally the Sparrows bring Ser Loras in. After his trial is done, Lancel tells the High Sparrow that Cersei has yet to leave the Red Keep, so the High Sparrow asks him to go retrieve her. As Lancel is walking out, one of the "little birds" lures him away into the area below the Sept. There, Lancel discovers a cache of wildfire about to be set off.

Margaery, realizing something is very wrong with the fact that neither Cersei nor Tommen are at the trial, confronts the High Sparrow. She tells him that it's a trap, but he does not listen. Margaery tells everyone in the Sept they need to leave immediately, but the Faith Militant prevent anyone from exiting. Lancel does not make it to the wildfire in time, and the Sept explodes, killing everyone inside and outside of it as well as levelling most of the surrounding area.

Esta recapitulação dos eventos é amplamente baseada na que está disponível no episódio da Wikia .

13.06.2016 / 11:51