Em Starcan Headcanon: Human Edition, qual é a referência sobre transformar um sol em um torus?


Headcanon de Star Trek: Human Edition me inspirou a passar e Assista a franquia inteira do começo ao fim. Eu identifiquei quase todas as referências no headcanon, exceto uma.

Vulcan Science Academy: This is a species where if you give them two warp cores, they will ask for a third one, immediately plug all three into each other, punch a hole into an alternate universe where humans subscribe to an even more destructive ideological system, fight everyone in it because they're offended by that, steal their warp cores, plug those together, punch their way back here, then try to turn a nearby sun into a torus because that was what their initial scientific experiment was for and they didn't want to waste a trip.

Vulcan Science Academy: They did that last week. We have the write-up right here. it's getting published in about six hundred scientific journals across two hundred different disciplines because of how many established theories their ridiculous little expedition has just called into question. Also, they did turn that sun into a torus, and no one actually knows how.

O que é isso em referência a? Isso está se referindo a um episódio, ou um romance, ou talvez parte da série animada?

por Norman Witte III 02.06.2018 / 00:52

1 resposta

Não existe . Ou, pelo menos, quando esta história saiu, um monte de geeks de Star Trek no Reddit tentaram rastrear um caso de isso acontecendo, e não conseguiram encontrar um.

The specific instances? Like of tying three warp cores together to make a sun a torus via interdimensional fuckery? No.

Is that still a basic Star Trek plot? Yes.

02.06.2018 / 01:18
