Por que o Covenant estava indo para o Origae-6 em vez do Engineer's Planet?


Em Alien: Covenant o navio estava indo para Origae-6.

Após a explosão de neutrinos e recebendo o sinal de Elizabeth Shaw, a tripulação descobriu que perto de sua posição havia um planeta que era substancialmente mais próximo e mais habitável que o Origae-6.

No diálogo entre os membros da tripulação, foi dito que levou anos para procurar o planeta habitável. Por outro lado, o Engineers 'Planet estava no banco de dados o tempo todo.

Por que esse planeta não era o destino original do Covenant?

por Jaroslaw Matlak 12.10.2018 / 09:14

1 resposta

A tripulação do Covenant discute este ponto da Novelização Oficial do filme. Em resumo, eles também não sabem.

“Everything points to a high likelihood of a living biosphere. Leastwise, the necessary markers are all there.” His attention shifted to Daniels. “Everything I see suggests a world that exceeds the company’s and your most optimistic projections for Origae-6.” “You’re sure of all of this?” Looking skeptical, she studied the data on his console.
He grunted. “As sure as Mother’s sensors can be. And we’ve got a damn sight better view of it from here than anyone on Earth did of Origae-6.” The implication of this information escaped no one.
“How did we miss it?” she demanded. “We scanned every corner of this sector.”
Oram was gratified to be able to interject. “View obviously is blocked from Earth. Dense nebulae, dust cloud, periodic flares screening out the infrared—maybe when the searcher for this sector made its pass, this world was at perihelion, on the opposite side of its star from Earth. Or the whole system could have been positioned exactly behind another intervening star or two. Not to mention the tricks that gravitational lensing can play with planetary scanners.” He tried for placating. “Don’t fault yourself, or the program, for the oversight.”

12.10.2018 / 09:59