Por que Bruce Campbell estava nos três filmes do Homem-Aranha?


Bruce Campbell estava em todos os três filmes de Sam Raimi, mas como personagens de bit diferentes em cada um. Por que ele foi usado em todos os três filmes?

por DForck42 23.07.2012 / 17:28

2 respostas

Havia algumas razões para isso.

1) Sam Raimi (diretor) e Bruce Campbell são bons amigos e Bruce normalmente é covarde em seus filmes.

2) Houve um boato antes e depois do Homem-Aranha 3 Bruce Campbell se tornar Mysterio, já que Mysterio constantemente culpa Spider-man por sua atuação fracassada e dublê. (fonte)

23.07.2012 / 17:32

De uma entrevista com Bruce Campbell :

When did you first meet the Raimis?

  • I was born in the same hospital as Sam Raimi – the William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oaks.

    I met Sam in junior high – very briefly while I was with a friend of his – and he was dressed as Sherlock Holmes, playing with dolls. I thought he was a creepy weirdo, and I avoided him, officially, until drama class in high school, in 1975.

    Sam was very much into magic, and I was his assistant at a couple of magic shows. Then, I think Sam made a logical transition into film being the ultimate sleight of hand.

And this is what – late '60s, early '70s?

  • Well, for Sam, I think he started doing home movies in the early '70s. I did them in the early '70s, and we started making – then I met other guys in our neighborhood who had been making Super-8 movies longer than us, Scott Spiegel being one of them.... Josh Becker, who was Sam's neighbor...

    ... so there was a weird group of about six of us, who wound up teaming up and making Super-8 movies on weekends – almost every weekend.


So, around this time, is it a bit apocryphal that you also babysat for the Raimis?

  • Well, I took Ted [Sam Raimi's younger brother] to cello lessons occasionally, but I think they made me do that because I ate dinner over there all the time.

Just out of convenience, because you were always filming?

  • Yeah. We'd shoot in Sam's living room, and eat dinner, and then whenever the Raimis were working and Sam was busy I'd pick up Ted at cello lessons. I think I've known Ted since he was about 9.


  • Sam Raimi e Bruce Campbell se conhecem desde o Ensino Médio
  • Eles começaram a fazer filmes juntos nos anos 70.
  • Bruce Campbell visitou os Raimis tantas vezes que o usaram como babá para o irmão mais novo de Sam;
29.01.2013 / 13:37
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