Como os Protoss comem ou respiram?


Os Protoss são representados como não tendo narinas nem boca (a menos que isso tenha sido retransmitido e ninguém tenha me dito). Isso pode parecer esquisito e estranho a princípio, mas quando alguém pára para pensar sobre isso - sem esses orifícios, eles não deveriam ter morrido de fome / sufocado há muito tempo?

por Nu'Daq 06.04.2016 / 23:47

1 resposta

Perguntas sobre os hábitos alimentares dos Protoss foram abordadas em um Perguntas e respostas com os criadores do jogo .

Q. What do the protoss eat? (where do they get energy and mass?)

A. Protoss gain nutrition from sunlight, or at a pinch, moonlight (which is just reflected sunlight anyway) by absorbing through their skins. They can go for extended periods without absorbing sunlight. What little moisture they need is also absorbed through their skin.

Isto é apoiado pelo romance de Starcraft Primogênito que afirma que os Protoss convertem luz em energia, presumivelmente através de alguma forma de fotossíntese.

Jake’s footsteps slowed as they approached the omhara’s lair. He turned to Savassan, his eyes wide, and Savassan sent a message of reassurance. Not for the first time, Jake thought about the ways other creatures obtained sustenance. For the protoss it was easy — the White Circle of night and the Golden Orb of day showed their favor to the protoss and nourished them. Their light, and that of their children, the smaller glittering sky-gems that appeared at night, was all the protoss needed to flourish.

E no Manual de Campo do StarCraft oficial.

The face features two glowing eyes but no mouth, nose, or ears—in fact Protoss have no orifices whatsoever. Most nutritional intake or waste excretion occurs at a molecular level, passing directly through semipermeable skin that's remarkably complex in its cellular structure. The rough, scaly epidermis absorbs light for sustenance (even if reflected, such as moonlight) and also absorbs and excretes moisture. Smell and sound are sensed through the skin as well.

07.04.2016 / 00:02
