É muito difícil aumentar a resistência ao dreno. Você identificou as rotas prováveis, com a possível opção extra de um espírito Mentor, drogas para ignorar a dor, ou 'ware para absorver o dano.
De aqui :
Portanto, existem dois caminhos para reduzir o dreno, aumentar os atributos ou chocar o teste oposto.All magicians use Willpower plus another mental attribute appropriate to their tradition to resist Drain.
The base Drain Value for Spellcasting is listed in the spell’s description (see p. 195.) For Summoning and Binding spirits, the Drain Value is twice the number of hits (not net hits) generated by the spirit during the Opposed Test. Each hit on the Drain Resistance Test reduces the Drain Value by one. Any remaining Drain is suffered by the magician. Drain is usually Stun damage, though there are situations in which it can be transformed into Physical damage (see the Sorcery and Conjuring sections).
Agora, o espírito do Mentor com os espíritos do homem (de acordo com isso ) pode modificar esse teste. (suporte aqui ).
Na mesma área, eles sugerem uma melhor convivência química:
Buy Stim patches that let you ignore stun damage modifiers (No-Pain is even better)
Da mesma fonte, eles notam que você não pode usar focos para resistir a drenagem:
Errata clarified that NO focus can help with drain.
O sacrifício parece ser bastante útil :
Sacrifice requires two Complex Actions completed consecutively. Taking any other action between the two required actions will negate the attempt. The initiate first performs a normal melee attack using the appropriate melee weapon skill. The target may attempt to parry, block, or dodge as normal. If the target is restrained or prone, appropriate melee modifiers apply (see p. 148, SR4). While any living creature can be used as a donor, the blood of sapient donors (metahumans and critters with the Sapience ability, such as sasquatches and dragons) is more potent. For each box of Physical Damage inflicted on a sapient donor, the Drain in the subsequent action is reduced by 1. For non-sentient critters, the DV is reduced by 1 for every 3 boxes of damage (possibly less if the donor is significantly smaller than an average human). Spirits can never be donors, even if they are currently possessing a living body. An initiate may use himself as a donor, drawing on his own life force to reduce the Drain of his spells. A blood magician can inflict any desired level of Physical damage on himself. Sacrifice is the prerequisite for a number of advanced metamagic techniques.
Isto reduz nitidamente a utilidade do "Saco de Ratos" e causa alguns problemas morais interessantes. Por outro lado, também não requer a morte do alvo.
Este é absolutamente o caminho a percorrer se você for o tipo de farsa que invoca um grande espírito pungente no início do dia e o mantém por aí. Tenho a sensação de que a convocação em combate é meio ineficiente e difícil, em primeiro lugar.
Esta página sugere algumas alternativas de 'ware':
I wanna make a hermetic mage with the restricted gear quality and Pain Editor cultured bioware for an extra die to my drain pool and to make it so he doesn't pass out unless he's dead. Is that cheesy? Of course, I know it would be up to my GM, but I am just wondering what the general consensus is on that combo. I was also thinking of getting Cerebral Booster, but I didn't that that was cheesy because it's pretty common.
Mas isso é um enorme sacrifício ...