Ok, então no final do Limitess Film, é verdade que parece que Morra não estava fora do NZT e escolheu o caminho do político por uma razão não divulgada que finalmente define o depate de seus motivos no programa de TV, que não são claros e enlameados por Agent Sands e a Legião de Quem ...
Mas a ideia de um "NZT" foi mencionada em algumas das linhas finais de diálogo entre Eddie Morra e Carl Van Loon:
Carl Van Loon: What are you doing? Do you wanna be president of the United States or brain dead, stuck full of tubes?
Eddie Morra: I’ll take my chances.
Carl Van Loon: I told you, your chances don’t exist. We shut down your lab.
Eddie Morra: You don’t think some smart ass in NZT might have two or three or even four labs?
Carl Van Loon: So what? You’re not making anymore.
Eddie Morra: That’s right. I’m not. I thought better of it. See, once you know what’s in it, you can tweak and re-engineer it, and get the bugs out. Taper off. I’m off it, Carl.
Carl Van Loon: Well, on it or off it, there’s no scenario where you’re not working for me.
Eddie Morra: How are you gonna pay me? In cigarettes?
Então, basicamente, assim como ele estava mentindo sobre estar fora do NZT, é mais que Morra não contou a Van Loon toda a verdade e se tornou "um narrador não confiável" , porque Limitless Série de TV, apesar da manipulação de Morra por Brian Finch, a verdade é que, como ele confessa a Brian no piloto, Morra provavelmente ainda teria efeitos colaterais entre o filme e a série de TV. O tempo entre eles é de quatro anos e Morra diz que teve uma dor de cabeça há dois anos.
Limitless 1.01 Pilot - Transcript:
Eddie Morra: You think it's bad now, it's only gonna get worse. You actually might remember this moment as the last time you felt vaguely human. But it doesn't have to be that way, Brian. I took a pill this morning. I've taken a pill every morning for the past four years. I can't remember the last time I felt bad. That's not true. No, I had a headache two years ago.
Biran Finch: How how did you how did you do that?
Morra: That. Millions of dollars of private research. It works on a cyclical enzyme system. Oh, you don't know what that means. It doesn't matter. All you need to remember is that every so often, you take one of these shots. And you can have as much NZT as you want with no side effects.
MAS a série de TV revela que Morra trabalhou em uma solução mais perminante. Em 1,12 espectadores vêm conhecer Piper Baird, cuja pessoa que ajudou a criar a enzima que nega os efeitos colaterais da NZT , mas Piper acredita que Morra está tentando manter NZT para si e então ela tentando matá-lo por supostamente matar seu namorado e encontrar uma maneira de replicar a enzima. Então, novamente, podemos supor que em algum momento entre o filme e a série de TV, Piper ajudou a Morra a superar o plano de reforço, mas dependeu de várias pessoas & Morra manteve os outros usuários do NZT, incluindo Piper, de serem capazes de encontrar uma solução melhor (do que a foto de imunidade) para eles mesmos ...
1.12 The Assasination of Eddie Morra - Transcript:
Piper: He came to me when I was writing my dissertation. I guess he'd read some of my work. He told me about NZT, how he was trying to alleviate the side effects and how, if I could help him do it, the pill might help my mom.
Finch: You invented the enzyme?
Piper: Well, me and some other people. I don't know who they are. Morra kept us all separate.
No final da temporada, Piper encontra uma maneira de replicar a enzima e faz uma fórmula que dá a Brian uma solução permanente contra os efeitos colaterais do NZT-48.
Este é também o que o EP Limitless Craig Sweeney tinha a dizer sobre estas coisas, em relação ao local onde elas teriam ido na segunda temporada
Looking to Brian’s newfound permanent immunity, will there be any side effects? And what can you say about the decision to take that step now? I think we felt like we had told the story of Brian under the thumb of Eddie Morra and Sands, and needing to get those clandestine booster shots. We wanted to move forward from that, basically, and we felt like the beats would get repetitive if we were telling more stories where, “Oh, Brian needs to get his booster shot” or “Oh, he needs to get this file or he won’t get this booster shot.” We did a lot of things like that, which worked really well.
But we really wanted to have Rebecca and Brian move forward on an honest footing with each other. The need for the immunity shot for Brian, and the layers of deception that go with it, we cleared the deck to explore a relationship between Brian and Rebecca in a more meaningful and honest way.
To get more specific about the way the immunity works, is this a situation where if someone wanted to replicate it, they could test Brian and try to duplicate what they find? Or is it in his system in a way that’s untraceable?
They could certainly try, and it would be interesting. It’s not as if the FBI knows how to do it yet. They’re definitely going to be studying him. Piper is not out there, giving it away freely; he is a kind of Rosetta stone, which makes him a lot of interest to them in Season 2.
What Brian and Morra’s relationship might be like going forward now that Brian doesn’t really need him?
A new adversary will emerge in Season 2—who has a history with Morra—who Morra will take very seriously. Eddie and Brian, instead of being uneasy adversaries, they’ll be uneasy allies in Season 2.
UDATE: Adicionada a Transcrição Piloto para melhor apoiar que Morra ainda estava tomando NZT e teve alguns efeitos colaterais até algum tempo entre o filme e a série de TV.
Nota: Um personagem que acabou de dizer algo não é uma evidência concreta da verdade. No entanto, isso não contradiz o filme, uma vez que nunca sabemos ao certo se o que Morra diz a Van Loon é 100% preciso.