De acordo com as curiosidades sobre o IMDB duvidosas.
The Robot was never verbally named on-screen. Irwin Allen reputedly liked Rodney as its moniker, whilst an intriguing hint can be seen in Lost in Space: The Time Merchant (1968), where the Robot's shipping crate is stamped "General Utility Non-Theorizing Environmental ROBOT" (capitals highlighted in red) suggesting that the machine's name was Gunter. It referred to itself with the above title (adding "Control" before Robot) during the second season.
Em O Planeta Fantasma (1966), o Robô diz:
Robot Model B9, designed and computerized as a mechanized electronic aid for Earth voyagers engaged in astral expeditions.
Os fabricantes de brinquedos e outros entenderam que o nome do robô era "B9" (ou benigno).
Controversamente, o robô se apresenta em The Colonists (1967) como
"I am a Robot of the Class M3"
Isso levou outros fabricantes de brinquedos a rotulá-lo como M3 (ou YM-3)
E ainda outros acharam que era mais seguro chamá-lo de ROBÔ