Por que a espada de Percy não retornou ao bolso no Gateway Arch em The Lightning Thief?


No capítulo "I Plunge to my Death", enquanto Percy luta contra Echidna e sua quimera, sua espada cai de sua mão na água e não volta para o bolso.

My whole leg was on fire. I tried to jab Riptide into the Chimera's mouth, but the serpent tail wrapped around my ankles and pulled me off balance, and my blade flew out of my hand, spinning out of the hole in the Arch and down toward the Mississippi River.

I managed to get to my feet, but I knew I had lost. I was weaponless. I could feel deadly poison racing up to my chest. I remembered Chiron saying that Anaklusmos would always return to me, but there was no pen in my pocket. Maybe it had fallen too far away. Maybe it only returned when it was in pen form. I didn't know, and I wasn't going to live long enough to figure it out.

Então, no próximo capítulo "Eu me torno um fugitivo conhecido", ele teve que pegar explicitamente a correnteza do fundo do oceano.

I waded toward Riptide and grabbed it by the hilt. The Chimera might still be up there with its snaky, fat mother, waiting to finish me off. At the very least, the mortal police would be arriving, trying to figure out who had blown a hole in the Arch. If they found me, they'd have some questions.

I capped my sword, stuck the ballpoint pen in my pocket.

Os livros esclarecem o motivo real pelo qual isso aconteceu? Eu não consigo acreditar que seja uma das razões pelas quais Percy pensou; porque mais tarde na série no capítulo "A Maldição do Titã" intitulado "Eu Coloquei em Alguns Milhões de Libras Extra" o seguinte é declarado:

Atlas was taking his time coming toward me. My sword was gone. It had skittered away over the edge of the cliff. It might reappear in my pocket—maybe in a few seconds—but it didn't matter. I'd be dead by then. Luke and Thalia were fighting like demons, lightning crackling around them. Annabeth was on the ground, desperately struggling to free her hands.

"Die, little hero," Atlas said. He raised his javelin to impale me. "No!" Zoe yelled, and a volley of silver arrows sprouted from the armpit chink in Atlas's armor. "ARGH!" He bellowed and turned toward his daughter.

I reached down and felt Riptide back in my pocket.

Desde então, ele retornou ao bolso depois de cair do penhasco, estou assumindo que suas teorias anteriores não são verdadeiras.

por K. Singh 21.02.2017 / 04:37

5 respostas

Acho que Poseidon impediu que voltasse. Depois que Percy pula no rio, ele encontra um espírito do oceano da corte de seu pai. Poseidon queria ajudar Percy, mas Zeus estava observando-o muito de perto. Então ele enviou o espírito do oceano e impediu a espada de Percy de retornar ao seu bolso, então Percy não teria escolha a não ser ir e pegá-lo. Assim, permitindo-lhe falar com Percy, embora de uma forma indireta.

24.02.2017 / 03:26

Apenas uma teoria, eu poderia estar completamente fora do alvo aqui. Nos livros há dois casos em que Riptide não retorna para Percy Jackson.

Sem bolso, sem caneta:

A espada retorna ao bolso de Percy e não a ele.

“I reached for Riptide, which I always kept in my pocket, but then I realized I was wearing gym shorts. I had no pockets. Riptide was tucked in my jeans inside my gym locker. And the locker room door was sealed. I was completely defenseless.

The Sea of Monsters, Chapter 2, I Play Dodgeball with Cannibals

Godly Blocker:

Deuses têm poder para impedir que a espada retorne a Percy.

Percy glanced at Hazel and Frank, who didn’t seem to find anything odd about this. Still, he wasn’t wild about handing over a deadly weapon to a kid.

“The thing is,” he said, “the pen returns to my pocket automatically, so even if I give it up—”

“Not to worry,” Terminus assured him. “We’ll make sure it doesn’t wander off. Won’t we, Juila?”

“Yes, Mr. Terminus.”

The Son of Neptune, Chapter 13, Percy

Neste caso, as roupas de Percy estavam pegando fogo

“I turned and jumped. My clothes on fire, poison coursing through my veins, I plummeted toward the river.”

The Lightning Thief, Chapter 13, I Plunge To My Death

mas seu bolso não foi danificado:

“I capped my sword, stuck the ballpoint pen in my pocket. “Thank you, Father,” I said again to the dark water.”

The Lightning Thief, Chapter 14, I Become A Known Fugitive

Quimera é um demônio e não tem o poder possuído pelos deuses, ele não pode impedir que a espada retorne a Percy. Echidna poderia ser um caso diferente, porque ela poderia ter um Deus ou Titã como pai / mãe .

Ela até ousa Percy pular no rio e recuperar Riptide.

"If you are the son of Poseidon,” Echidna hissed, “you would not fear water. Jump, Percy Jackson. Show me that water will not harm you. Jump and retrieve your sword. Prove your bloodline.”

The Lightning Thief, Chapter 13, I Plunge To My Death

Vamos considerar a distância agora! Neste caso, a espada caiu 630 pés.

Annabeth stood behind him, trying to look angry, but even she seemed relieved to see me. “We can’t leave you alone for five minutes! What happened?”

“I sort of fell.”

“Percy! Six hundred and thirty feet?”

The Lightning Thief, Chapter 14, I Become A Known Fugitive

No caso de The Titan's Curse, a espada caiu 50 pés

Despite how much I hated him, I couldn't stand to see it. I wanted to believe he was still alive, but that was impossible. The fall was fifty feet at least, and he wasn't moving.

The Titan's Curse, Chapter 17, I Put On A Few Million Extra Pounds

Chiron afirma explicitamente que a espada não pode ser perdida.

“You can’t,” Chiron said.

“Can’t what?”

“Lose the pen,” he said. “It is enchanted. It will always reappear in your pocket. Try it.”

“I was wary, but I threw the pen as far as I could down the hill and watched it disappear in the grass.

“It may take a few moments,” Chiron told me. “Now check your pocket.”

Sure enough, the pen was there.

The Lightning Thief, Chapter 10, I Ruin A Perfectly Good Bus

Portanto, tudo se resume à distância entre Percy e Riptide ou Echidna usando poderes como Terminus para impedir que a espada retorne a Percy Jackson.

21.02.2017 / 11:34

Possivelmente caiu muito longe.

Neste caso, caiu um chocante seiscentos e trinta pés :

Annabeth stood behind him, trying to look angry, but even she seemed relieved to see me. "We can't leave you alone for five minutes! What happened?"
"I sort of fell."
"Percy! Six hundred and thirty feet!"

E com Atlas, eram apenas quinze metros:

Despite how much I hated him, I couldn't stand to see it. I wanted to believe he was still alive, but that was impossible. The fall was fifty feet at least, and he wasn't moving.
-The Titan's Curse, chapter 17

É possível que a queda no Arco tenha sido muito alta.

21.02.2017 / 09:49

Pode ser devido ao poder de Echidna. Por exemplo (você pode não apreciar isso como é da equipe de Serapis) quando Serapis engole Contracorrente, ele não reaparece até que ele seja morto, porque seu poder está impedindo isso.

21.02.2017 / 09:40

Leva tempo para o Riptide voltar. Talvez Percy tivesse que esperar um pouco antes que ele pudesse pegar sua caneta de volta.

07.05.2018 / 23:02