Por que apenas meninos no Maze Runner?


No final do filme Maze Runner 2014, aprendemos que:

the maze trials were just an experiment to study brain activity under stressful conditions, so that a cure could be developed for an epidemic brain disease.

Então, por que eles apenas usam meninos?

We know that one girl showed up at the end, but she seemed to be an afterthought, escaping events in the control center.

Eu imagino que a resposta possa ter sido dada nos livros.

por CodeMed 09.08.2015 / 08:58

1 resposta

Isso é explicado no segundo livro (e presumivelmente no segundo filme)

There is a second maze, in which only girls lived. The events in both mazes were similar, both groups escaped at the same day. Also, the last person to enter the girls maze was a boy. (As Theresa entered the boys maze as last person). The Creators (of the maze) wanted to understand the difference of how The Flare attacks boys and girls, so they separated them (I can't find the quote from The Death Cure right now)

Uma dica para isso já é dada no primeiro trailer do segundo filme, The Scorch Trials

Atualização (depois de ter visto o Scorch Trials):

The creators of the "Scorch Trials" movie changed a few things compared to the second book. In the second movie, it appears that there were multiple mazes (more than two). In the scenes in the cafeteria when all gladers have dinner, we can see other boys that were not in the "original" maze (with Thomas, Newt, etc).

09.08.2015 / 11:22