O Joker usa maquiagem nos quadrinhos?


No Batman de Burton o Coringa de Jack Nicholson cai em uma cuba de produtos químicos que transforma sua pele em branco puro. Em algumas cenas, ele usa maquiagem da cor da pele para parecer mais normal.

Em Nolan O Cavaleiro das Trevas O Coringa de Heath Ledger tem uma pele "normal" e usa maquiagem para criar a aparência de pele branca da marca registrada de Joker. Ele pode apenas lavar a maquiagem se ele quiser.

Qual é o caso dos quadrinhos? Sua pele está deformada, ele usa maquiagem ou está naturalmente pálido?

por Moyli 16.07.2015 / 23:23

2 respostas

A resposta é um "não" qualificado; na maioria de suas muitas histórias de origem, o Coringa parece ser assim porque ficou permanentemente desfigurado, e sua pele e cabelo ficaram permanentemente descoloridos.

Como podemos ver nas fotos a seguir, tiradas da brilhante obra-prima de Alan Moore, The Batting Killing, Batman identifica um impostor quando a maquiagem do homem passa pela luva de Batman:

Algumas citações das interwebs:

The Joker began as a very dark character. Originally, it was unclear if the Joker’s pale skin and green hair was done with make-up or was simply how his skin looked. Over time, it seemed clear that it was his natural state.

Eleven years after he was first introduced, the Joker was given an official origin story. How he got the natural clown look was revealed to be the byproduct of his swimming through a vat of chemicals when he began his criminal career as the Red Hood. The story where this was revealed was actually a great one as it featured Batman looking into just who the Red Hood was and why he disappeared. Actual clues were littered throughout the story and the Joker’s reveal was a real surprise.

Nowhere in this, or any other, story is the Joker given a real name. He is always simply “The Joker” who once went by the name "Red Hood".


A primeira representação da história de origem do Coringa; Moore revisitou essa ideia em sua The Killing Joke

"No recounting of the Joker's origin has been definitive, however, as he has been portrayed as lying so often about his former life that he himself is confused as to what actually happened.

As he says in The Killing Joke:

"Sometimes I remember it one way, sometimes another... if I'm going to have a past, I prefer it to be multiple choice!""


"They've given many origins of the Joker, how he came to be. That doesn't seem to matter—just how he is now. I never intended to give a reason for his appearance. We discussed that and Bill [Finger] and I never wanted to change it at that time. I thought—and he agreed—that it takes away some of the essential mystery."
– Jerry Robinson, the Joker's creator


19.07.2015 / 12:14
O que eu acho é que quando o Coringa foi escrito pela primeira vez nos quadrinhos, acredito que ele foi retratado como naturalmente pálido como se fosse um palhaço. Naquela época eles não retratavam seus personagens como se fossem fictícios, eles eram tão reais quanto você e eu.

Ao longo do tempo eles se tornaram pessoas de ficção. Na DC, ele realmente usava maquiagem.

19.07.2015 / 00:31
