A máquina de leitura da mente substitui o cérebro de todos


Eu li um conto há 15 anos atrás, e estou tentando encontrá-lo novamente. Havia um garoto da faculdade que se ofereceu para testar um dispositivo de leitura da mente. Algo deu errado, e a máquina acabou copiando sua mente sobre todos os outros no mundo.

Caos se seguiu, uma vez que o garoto não sabia como pilotar aviões ou realizar cirurgias. A namorada do garoto, já que todos a amavam, tornou-se líder de fato. Eventualmente, as diferentes cópias começaram a divergir e a aprender novas especialidades para manter a sociedade funcionando.

Isso toca alguma coisa com alguém?

por sprad 15.07.2014 / 00:34

1 resposta

Isto é " Criado Igual a " por Ken Jenks.

Um universitário, que está se voluntariando para um experimento, copia sua mente para todos no mundo:

I sat up in the chair. "Okay, Doc. Let's go." The sequence started and I pushed the buttons as they lit up. Four minutes later, the sequence ended. I unstrapped and said good-bye through the intercom. I thought it was a little odd that I didn't get a response. Shrugging, I ducked out to the bike rack, unlocked my rusty ten-speed and rode back to our apartment on Gregory. Traffic was weird. There were a whole lot of people running, driving and riding toward the Beckman Institute, and there were even more headed in the same direction I was.

My apartment building was surrounded. There must have been three hundred people there calling Katie's name. She peered out the window, surveying the crowd, looking like a princess in a tower.

I made my way through the crowd, which parted around me. They started calling my name, too. There was no pushing or shoving, and nobody was being rude. It was like a dream. An hallucination. Too little sleep, I thought. And I've got to cut down on the Mountain Dew.

The stairway was packed, but they let me through. When I opened the door, the nearest people tried to come in with me, but stopped when I told them to back off. Weird.

Katie was waiting. She looked odd, nervous. "Hi," she said. "Are you still Mitch?"

"Yes," I said, "as far as I can tell."

"So am I," she replied. "I think Dr. K's telepathy experiment did something weird. I have your brain in Katie's body."

Aviões e cirurgia são mencionados explicitamente:

There was no major loss of life. There were a few trucks that went out of control. I never learned to drive a semi. An embarrassing number of helicopters crashed. Thank God I can fly fixed-wing aircraft. Almost all of the planes landed safely, even the big jets. There was a major chemical leak at a refinery in Louisiana, but they seemed to get everything under control quickly enough. Dozens of people around the world died in surgery. My soul felt bruised, knowing I died so many times. Newborn babies struggled with unaccustomed mouths to ask their mothers about Katie and Dr. K.

A namorada se torna a líder:

Katie grabbed the megaphone. Everyone stopped and looked at her. Who appointed her leader? I thought. I did, I guess.

O primeiro capítulo da história está disponível por meio do caminho de volta máquina . O site onde você poderia comprar a história toda parece ter sido cancelado em 2002, então você leu no momento certo. Eu mesmo só li o primeiro capítulo gratuito.

04.11.2015 / 22:47