Por que a cena de Quinlan Vos foi cortada de Revenge of the Sith?


Eu estava procurando por Revenge of the Sith transcrição para responder a uma pergunta, e eu encontrei isto:

The Jedi QUINLAN VOS is riding on top of a CLONE TURBO TANK. The main cannon of a second tank slowly swings to point right at him and a COUPLE OF CLONES. The cannon fires, and QUINLAN VOS and the CLONES disappear in a huge EXPLOSION.

Olhando em Wookieepeedia , encontrei isto:

The character, as fleshed out in the Expanded Universe, eventually caught Lucas' eye. The director was intrigued by Vos and decided to include him in the 2005 film Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. The character was scripted to appear on the planet Kashyyyk, the Wookiee homeworld, during the execution of Order 66, but the scene was cut before the scene was shot or an actor was cast. An animatic featuring Vos was developed, however, and a passing reference to the character remained in the final film

Alguma razão foi dada para por que essa cena foi cortada?

por Rogue Jedi 22.11.2015 / 00:06

1 resposta

Razão provável - Reescreve

Não foi possível encontrar uma fonte "oficial", mas havia uma fonte que afirmou que, embora o personagem se tornou popular e que ele era pretendido para aparecer, a cena foi cortada principalmente devido a reescritas do roteiro. O seguinte é citado no link fornecido:

After the character gained popularity among fans, appearing in numerous comic books beyond his lengthy run in Republic, George Lucas took a shine to the character and canonized him by writing him into Revenge of the Sith, though his scene was cut in rewrites. But his name, “Master Vos,” is still mentioned by Obi-Wan in the film’s dialogue.

Curiosamente, houve um teste animado que incluiu Vos em 1:31:

22.11.2015 / 02:03