Que língua é Enchantress e Incubus falando?


A Enchantress and Incubus sempre fala outra língua uma com a outra, que é traduzida com legendas para o público. Esta é uma linguagem real? Uma linguagem construída? Aleatório aleatório com legendas?

por Torisuda 08.08.2016 / 15:49

2 respostas

O ator que interpretou o Incubus, Alain Chanoine, disse que o idioma (" moonspeak ") foi inventado para o filme por David Ayer. Ele tem pouca relação com qualquer linguagem real e foi escrito fo-net-ick-al-ee para eles dizerem.

NR: What language were you speaking in the voiceovers for Incubus?

AC: Moonspeak is the language. That’s the 4th language I speak now!

Interview with the villain of Suicide Squad


TMN: How did you and Cara Delevingne master speaking in your ancient character's dialect?

Chanoine: First, it was complicated because David wrote the thing down, we got to change it. I speak three different languages: Creole, French, and English. He wanted me to get more of my tone in the movie. And Cara, because she's British, she was speaking in a different way than I was, just because he wanted it to sound original to ourselves. So I got to change a lot of the Moonspeak and he was really open. So yeah, it was fun. It was fun to make it up with him. I don't get all the vocabulary he's using, but it was fun to play with that.

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Aparentemente, foi inventado pelo departamento de som do filme usando uma técnica de substituindo palavras sem sentido pelos sons da boca feitas quando as linhas foram lidas em inglês e usando ADR para dublá-las de volta ao filme.

Suicide Squad presented several unique challenges, Bach says, not the least of which was a late-breaking decision to have two characters speak in their own language — meaning dialogue originally filmed in English needed to be replaced with this new language that the sound crew dubbed “moonspeak.” The solution? “Reversing and slowing the picture down, transcribing phonetically, and substituting various syllables according to their mouth shape,” Bach says, adding that Berklee helped prepare him with the problem-solving skills to tackle a challenge like that. “I’ll never forget Dave Moulton’s first problem- solving class,” he says. “He handed us a black box with some connectors on it and asked us to draw a flow chart diagram of how it worked…I use that kind of logic—or try to—daily.”

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13.10.2016 / 23:58

Poderia ser o hebraico (talvez o antigo hebraico) já que eles são supostamente nativos do antigo reino egípcio, mas também pode ser uma mistura de hebraico e árabe ... o clipe de áudio é incompleto e não existe boa cópia do filme on-line para revisitar a cena ...

17.08.2016 / 17:26