Como eles mudam as pessoas para animais?


Do filme The Lobster , depois de alguns dias, se eles não conseguirem encontrar o par, eles os mudarão para animais. Como eles mudam isso?

por vela 23.12.2017 / 04:00

2 respostas

Eles são enviados para a sala de transformação . Cena 60:

And so he decided to turn her into an animal. A hotel maid helped him and he never understood why she did it. I asked him many times what sort of animal he turned her into, but he always gave the same answer. “That’s none of your concern”. That night he left the hotel, once and for all.

Um exemplo do tropo

24.12.2017 / 15:37

De uma conversa entre David e seus dois amigos no hotel (cerca de 30 minutos no filme):

THE LIMPING MAN: What they do, as soon as you enter the [transformation] room is to wash your body and head really well.

LISPING MAN: How do you know?

THE LIMPING MAN: My uncle used to know a waiter who worked here.

LISPING MAN: No waiters know about the procedure. They're not allowed inside that room.

THE LIMPING MAN: Nevertheless. They peel off the skin, which has become soft due to the water and the soap. Afterwards they remove the heart, the eyes, and other vital organs of the body with a laser or scalpels. Then the procedure changes according to the animal when it's chosen.

DAVID: That makes total sense. I mean, I suppose mammals demand a different kind of work than fowls, for example.

THE LIMPING MAN: Exactly. Afterwards they throw the remaining body parts into the casks outside the hotel's restaurant and distribute the blood to the hospitals in the city.

Supondo que a descrição fornecida por The Limping Man seja verdadeira, é o máximo de detalhes que o filme oferece.

21.12.2018 / 01:29