Do manual Donkey Kong Country para o SNES, ênfase adicionada:
... Donkey Kong had assigned Diddy to guard duty on this awful night, and he was not happy about his fate.
Donkey Kong's earlier pep talk kept creeping back into Diddy's mind. "OK, little buddy," Donkey had said in his patronizing voice. "As part of your hero training, you've got to stand guard tonight over my bananas... I'll relieve you at midnight, so try and stay awake until then!"
Buddy? Yeah, right. Now he was alone [sic]Alone unless you counted the unknown threats which lurked behind every tree that he glimpsed during the lightning flashes. The Kremlings were out there, this much was certain. They coveted Donkey Kong's banana stock-pile, the largest on the island, and probably in the world. A treasure in potassium and Vitamin A. The perfect food. "Ahhh... delicious bananas..."
Apesar de serem répteis, os Kremlings queriam as bananas de DK porque elas são a "comida perfeita". Isto é provavelmente da perspectiva dos Kongs, é mais provável que os Kremlings roubassem as bananas porque DK as valorizava tanto - ele as armazena como dinheiro ou tesouro em uma caverna. Bananas perecíveis. Em uma pilha grande. Você até os coleciona como as moedas de ouro daquele outro popular jogo de plataforma ...
Você sabe que ele está falando sério sobre essas bananas porque ele promete recuperar cada banana (mesmo que, na verdade, elas não sejam comestíveis depois de uma semana ou mais):
Donkey Kong stood there in stunned disbelief and hadn't heard most of what Cranky said. "Diddy... gone... My little buddy..." he murmured to himself.
Donkey Kong was suddenly filled with conviction. "The Kremlings will pay!" he raged. "I'll hunt them down through every corner of my island, until I have every last banana from my horde back!!"
Em seguida, Cranky Kong chama o absurdo de recuperar bananas roubadas como um enredo de videogame:
"Find your little buddy and retrieve a bunch of bananas?!" Cranky snorted. "What kind of game idea is that?! Where's the screaming damsel in distress?!"
Então eles reconhecem que a premissa é frágil, mas caramba! Os gráficos e jogabilidade foram incríveis! E se um bando de répteis roubasse as bananas? O ponto é que precisamos de retribuição - pegar essas bananas (e Diddy Kong) de volta!