Hego Damask , um dos principais membros do Clã Bancário Intergaláctico , forneceu ao Mestre Jedi Sifo Dyas os fundos para o exército Clone.
Sidious primeiro convence Damask que a República deve perder sua fé nos Jedi.
Sidious took a moment. "We will have to exploit their vanity and blind obedience to the Republic," he said with greater confidence, and as if the truth of it should be obvious. "They must be made to appear the enemies of peace and justice rather than the guardians."
Damasco está preocupado com o PR de massacrar o Jedi.
"Great care has to be taken not to turn them into martyrs, Darth Sidious--if in the end we want the beings of the galaxy to turn their backs to the light side of the Force."
Damasco, neste momento, quer criar um exército de criaturas resistentes à força chamado de Yinchorri para lutar contra os Jedi . Ele se encontra com clonadores de Kaminoan e discute as possibilidades. Ele não diz aos Kaminoans porque ele quer usar o Yinchorri.
Os Kaminoanos explicam-lhe que seria um procedimento difícil, mas possível. Eles também explicam que suas instalações são muito pequenas para abrigar um exército. Damask fornece financiamento para as instalações de clonagem Kaminoan para que eles possam criar um exército.
"More important," Lac Nor said, "while we might be able to grow a few clones, our facilities are at present inadequate to produce an army of any size." "We would also need to consult with military specialist regarding programming," Ko Sai added.
"That can all be arranged," Damask said. "Would you have any objections to working with Rothana Heavy Engineering?"
"Of course not," Ni Timor said.
"Then Damask Holdings can provide whatever funding you need."
Ko Sai's eyes appeared to widen. "The Prime Minister will be very pleased to learn of this".
Damask compartilha suas preocupações com os mestres Jedi Dooku e Sifo-Dyas sobre uma crescente ameaça de sistemas estelares se tornando desiludidos pela República. Durante a conversa, Damask se lembra do que Sidious disse a ele antes (veja a primeira citação que eu postei). Ele então decide que o exército de clones deveria ser usado para lutar com os Jedi e não contra eles.
Mulling it over anew, Plagueis began to wonder whether he had taken the wrong approach on Kamino. Perhaps, he thought, it would be better to have the Kaminoans create an army capable of fighting alongside the Jedi rather than against them ...
Damask mais tarde se aproxima de Sifo-Dyas e diz que um exército deve ser criado para a República.
"Master Jedi, I want to share with you a suspicion I've been carrying like a burden." Damask paused. "I have reason to suspect that the Trade Federation has secretly been procuring more weapons than anyone realizes."
"To go further, I predict that a civil war is brewing."
"The Jedi will be too few to turn the tide. A military needs to be created now, while there's still a chance."
Eu pulei as citações por uma questão de brevidade, mas Sifo-Dyas está relutante neste momento e encoraja Damask a falar com o Supremo Chanceler Valorum. Damask explica a necessidade de sigilo dizendo que ele não pode ir a público com suas crenças porque ele estaria indo contra alguns de seus próprios clientes. Sifo-Dyas está convencido de que as preocupações de Damask são genuínas e admitem suas próprias preocupações.
"You have read my thoughts, Magister. I have also sensed that war is imminent. I've confessed as much to Master Yoda and others, but to no avail. They give all appearances of being unconcerned. Or preoccupied. I'm no longer sure."
Damask diz a Sifo-Dyas sobre a instalação de clonagem de Kamino e sua capacidade de criar um exército.
"I believe that the Kaminoans could be induced to grow an train a cloned army."
Sifo-Dyas took a long moment to reply. "You said yourself that the Republic would never sanction an army."
"The Republic needn't know," Damask said cautiously. "Neither would the Jedi Order have to know. It would be an army that might never have to be used, and yet be available in reserve should need ever arise."
"Who in their right mind would fund an army that might never be used?"
"I would," Damask said.
"The Kaminoans will not create an army for me, but they would do so for the Jedi Order. They have been fascinated by the Jedi for millennia."
"The Kaminoans need only a modest down payment, which I could provide to you through untraceable accounts I maintain in Outer Rim banks."
Sifo-Dyas diz a Damask que ele precisa pensar sobre isso. Damask e Palpatine discutem isso mais tarde.
Palpatine thought about it for a moment. "And Sifo-Dyas? Will he do it?"
"Even if he decides against it, there may be a way to place the order in his name. But the Force tells me that he will do it."
@Richards answer explica alguns dos eventos que ocorreram com Dooku e Sifo-Dyas depois disso.