To certify any Commercial Jet Plane worthy of flying,
a 2 engine plane must be able fly with just 1 engine running
a 3 engine jet like the Lockheed L1011 or DC10 with just 1
a 4 engine jet with just 2. Although not a requirement, the 747, A380 could fly on one engine but are not be able to maintain the cruise altitude indefinitely and will eventually become long-range gliders so they must land immediately.
The landing approach and procedures vary on how much the plane weighs prior to landing.
Os passageiros seriam avisados, pedindo para tomar a posição de apoio durante o pouso?
As posições das cintas só são assumidas em emergências de impacto, como aterrissagens em colisões. Perder um motor não significa que você vai cair, então nenhuma chave será assumida.
Esse evento teria um relatório de investigação de acidente?
Haverá uma investigação, mas se o avião pousar com segurança, ele não será registrado como um acidente. O avião e os motores passaram a certificação FAA, EASA, etc., por isso pode haver várias razões para o mau funcionamento do motor, como manutenção deficiente, peças defeituosas, etc.
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Shut downs that are not engine failures
Most in-flight shutdowns are harmless and likely to go unnoticed by passengers. For example, it may be prudent for the flight crew to shut down an engine and perform a precautionary landing in the event of a low oil pressure or high oil temperature warning in the cockpit.
However, passengers may become quite alarmed by other engine events such as a compressor surge — a malfunction that is typified by loud bangs and even flames from the engine’s inlet and tailpipe. A compressor surge is a disruption of the airflow through a gas turbine engine that can be caused by engine deterioration, a crosswind over the engine’s inlet, ingestion of foreign material, or an internal component failure such as a broken blade. While this situation can be alarming, the condition is momentary and not dangerous.
Other events such as a fuel control fault can result in excess fuel in the engine’s combustor. This additional fuel can result in flames extending from the engine’s exhaust pipe. As alarming as this would appear, at no time is the engine itself actually on fire. Also, the failure of certain components in the engine may result in a release of oil into bleed air that can cause an odor or oily mist in the cabin. This is known as a fume event. The dangers of fume events are the subject of debate in both aviation and medicine.
Este relatório estaria mais tarde disponível para o público em geral, assim como os relatórios de vários desastres aéreos significativos?
Depende, como você leu acima, a tripulação do convés de vôo pode desligar um motor por causa da baixa pressão do óleo. Isso teria significado de se tornar de conhecimento público?
No entanto, como exemplo, se o problema de uma falha de motor for escalonado para o fabricante, a companhia aérea poderá aterrar a frota e isso se tornará de conhecimento público e a razão pela qual o avião forneceria as declarações da mídia.Tudo depende da gravidade do problema. Como este que foi relatado --- link
20 August 2007; B-18616, 737-800, 30175/1182, FF 11 Jul 02, Okinawa, Japan:
Engine #1 caught fire shortly after docking destroying the aircraft. No fatalities. The cause was the detachment of a slat pylon bolt which fell off and pierced the fuel tank which leaked and ignited. According to the JTSB the washer that should have held the nut in place probably detached during maintenance 6 weeks before the incident. The design of the nut has since been changed to limit the likelihood of detachment.