As horas acumuladas em um planador contam para as 1500 horas para um certificado ATP?


Se você tem classificações no Glider, ASEL, AMEL, todas as suas horas PIC em todas as categorias contam para um certificado ATP, ou as horas Glider devem ser mantidas separadas?

por DLH 15.08.2018 / 22:48

1 resposta

De acordo com a minha leitura de 14 CFR 61.159 , as horas do planador contam para o requisito de tempo total de 1.500 horas, mas não para vários outros requisitos. De 14 CFR 61.159 (partes em negrito são onde eu destaquei os requisitos que devem ser atendidos em uma categoria de avião, ou seja, não um planador).

Presumivelmente, você também não está registrando muito tempo de voo por instrumentos em planadores, então eu não destaquei isso.

§ 61.159 Aeronautical experience: Airplane category rating.

(a) Except as provided in paragraphs (b), (c), and (d) of this section, a person who is applying for an airline transport pilot certificate with an airplane category and class rating must have at least 1,500 hours of total time as a pilot that includes at least:

(1) 500 hours of cross-country flight time.

(2) 100 hours of night flight time.

(3) 50 hours of flight time in the class of airplane for the rating sought. A maximum of 25 hours of training in a full flight simulator representing the class of airplane for the rating sought may be credited toward the flight time requirement of this paragraph if the training was accomplished as part of an approved training course in parts 121, 135, 141, or 142 of this chapter. A flight training device or aviation training device may not be used to satisfy this requirement.

(4) 75 hours of instrument flight time, in actual or simulated instrument conditions, subject to the following:

(i) Except as provided in paragraph (a)(4)(ii) of this section, an applicant may not receive credit for more than a total of 25 hours of simulated instrument time in a flight simulator or flight training device.

(ii) A maximum of 50 hours of training in a flight simulator or flight training device may be credited toward the instrument flight time requirements of paragraph (a)(4) of this section if the training was accomplished in a course conducted by a training center certificated under part 142 of this chapter.

(iii) Training in a flight simulator or flight training device must be accomplished in a flight simulator or flight training device, representing an airplane.


(5) 250 horas de tempo de voo em um avião como piloto em comando, ou como segundo em comando executando as tarefas de piloto em comando enquanto sob a supervisão de um piloto em comando, ou qualquer combinação deles, que inclua em menos -


(i) 100 hours of cross-country flight time; and

(ii) 25 hours of night flight time.

(6) Not more than 100 hours of the total aeronautical experience requirements of paragraph (a) of this section or § 61.160 may be obtained in a full flight simulator or flight training device provided the device represents an airplane and the aeronautical experience was accomplished as part of an approved training course in parts 121, 135, 141, or 142 of this chapter.


(b) Uma pessoa que tenha realizado pelo menos 20 decolagens noturnas e pousos até o ponto final pode substituir cada noite adicional de decolagem e aterrissagem por 1 hora de voo noturno para satisfazer os requisitos do parágrafo (a) (2) desta seção; no entanto, não mais do que 25 horas de tempo de voo noturno podem ser creditadas dessa maneira.


(c) Um piloto comercial pode creditar o seguinte tempo de voo de segundo em comando ou engenheiro de vôo em relação às 1.500 horas de tempo total como piloto exigido pelo parágrafo (a) desta seção:


(1) Second-in-command time, provided the time is acquired in an airplane -

(i) Required to have more than one pilot flight crewmember by the airplane's flight manual, type certificate, or the regulations under which the flight is being conducted;

(ii) Engaged in operations under subpart K of part 91, part 121, or part 135 of this chapter for which a second in command is required; or

(iii) That is required by the operating rules of this chapter to have more than one pilot flight crewmember.


(2) Tempo de engenheiro de voo, desde que o tempo -


(i) Is acquired in an airplane required to have a flight engineer by the airplane's flight manual or type certificate;

(ii) Is acquired while engaged in operations under part 121 of this chapter for which a flight engineer is required;

(iii) Is acquired while the person is participating in a pilot training program approved under part 121 of this chapter; and

(iv) Does not exceed more than 1 hour for each 3 hours of flight engineer flight time for a total credited time of no more than 500 hours.


(3) Tempo de engenheiro de voo, desde que o tempo de voo seja


(i) Is acquired as a U.S. Armed Forces' flight engineer crewmember in an airplane that requires a flight engineer crewmember by the flight manual;

(ii) Is acquired while the person is participating in a flight engineer crewmember training program for the U.S. Armed Forces; and

(iii) Does not exceed 1 hour for each 3 hours of flight engineer flight time for a total credited time of no more than 500 hours.


(d) Um solicitante recebe um certificado de piloto de transporte aéreo com a limitação, “O Titular não atende aos requisitos de experiência aeronáutica do piloto em comando da ICAO”, conforme prescrito no Artigo 39 da Convenção sobre Aviação Civil Internacional, se O requerente não cumpre os requisitos da OACI contidos no Anexo 1 “Licenciamento de Pessoal” da Convenção sobre Aviação Civil Internacional, mas cumpre os requisitos de experiência aeronáutica desta seção.


(e) Um candidato tem direito a um certificado de piloto de transporte aéreo sem a limitação da ICAO especificada no parágrafo (d) desta seção quando o candidato apresenta evidência satisfatória de ter atendido aos requisitos da ICAO nos termos do parágrafo (d) desta seção e caso contrário, atende aos requisitos de experiência aeronáutica desta seção.

15.08.2018 / 23:34