Romance de fantasia envolvendo imersão em linguagem profunda e a frase “envolto em mapas” para descrever uma nacionalidade específica


Eu estava vendo a entrada da TVTropes para O espelho de seus sonhos rouge de joalheiro para ajudar ele raspe a panela. A outra parte que ficou na minha cabeça foi que ele aprendeu que a palavra estrangeira para sua cultura traduzida para "envolto em mapas". Infelizmente, minhas pesquisas de palavras-chave parecem ser em vão.

Eu me lembro disso como sendo um livro de capa dura. Quase certamente teria sido publicado antes de 1998, quando me formei, porque me lembro de estar associado a um segmento anterior da minha vida, quando meus irmãos mais velhos estavam ativamente verificando livros da biblioteca. Eu não me lembro muito sobre o cenário, além do que eu notei sobre o idioma, mas foi definitivamente pré-eletrônica, provavelmente no nível em que os óculos estavam sendo removidos para corrigir problemas graves de visão, mas não o suficiente para ser comum, inseguro sobre o status da pólvora. A magia era baseada no conhecimento, mas eu não acho que envolvesse as tradicionais armadilhas arcanas de velas, encantamentos e círculos de invocação.

por FuzzyBoots 20.11.2018 / 13:52

1 resposta

Lente do Mundo por R A MacAvoy .

Lens of the World recounts the coming of age of Nazhuret, an outcast and orphan who rises from his lowly estate as a ward of the Sordaling military school to become a mighty warrior, philosopher, and confidant of the king of Bestinglon himself. The first of a series chronicling the life of Nazhuret!

Foi publicado em 1990, então se encaixa perfeitamente no seu tempo.

A referência envolvida em mapas é:

To me, a Velonyan raised, Zaquash sounded incomprehensible, half-witted, and sly. What is our immediate impression of the territories’ peasantry? Sly, half-witted, and incomprehensible. Once one begins to understand the tongue, however, their responses seem more consistent, and it is very amusing how they think of us. They call us “wrapped in maps”: astonishing phrase. The actual term for a nobleman, poirsye (you hear it every day in the southern territories, even among those who have no real Zaquash at all), is “hut-crusher.”

A referência ao rouge do joalheiro é:

For three months we spoke nothing but Allec in the observatory. Powl became a different person in that language. Where in Modern Velonyie he was smooth and ironical, when he spoke Allec he became quick, rattling, pressing, acquisitive, even rapacious. One might sell carpets, having an intonation like Powl’s Allec intonation, and make a very good living at it, too.

But Allec is the universal language of studies, and perhaps what was revealed there was only Powl’s character as a student rather than as a man of the world.

My Allec personality was mute for many weeks. After the first few days of trying to translate everything in my mind into the damnable, shower-of-pebbles sounds, I suddenly began to think in Allec, and since I knew so very few Allec words, I could scarcely think, let alone communicate my simple desires. I remember standing in front of my teacher with tears in my eyes and a frying pan in my right hand, trying to tell him I could not get the burned egg off without some of his jeweler’s rouge, without knowing the word for egg or for washing. I would have used Velonyie, but at this point I had lost the use of the first language and not gained the second.

20.11.2018 / 17:26