A quem os bifocals pertencem no filme Chinatown?


No filme de 1974 Chinatown acontece o seguinte:

At Evelyn's mansion, Gittes finds her servants packing her things. He realizes her garden pond is salt water and discovers a pair of bifocals in it. He confronts Evelyn about her "sister"; after Gittes slaps her, she admits that the woman, Katherine, is her sister and her daughter: her father raped her when she was fifteen. She says that the eyeglasses are not Mulwray's, as he did not wear bifocals. Wikipedia-Chinatown

Como as bifocais não pertenciam a Mulwray, por que Gittes acusou Cross de assassinar Mulwray na água salgada e deixar as bifocais na lagoa?

por user2728397 15.03.2016 / 10:56

1 resposta

Gittes conclui que eles são do Noah Cross. Do script:

GITTES: An obituary column... can you read in this light?

CROSS: Yes... I think I can manage...

Cross dips into his coat pocket and pulls out a pair of rimless glasses.. He puts them on, reads. Gittes stares at the bifocal lenses as Cross continues to look through the obituary column. He looks up.

CROSS: What does this mean?

GITTES: -- that you killed Hollis Mulwray --

Gittes is holding the bifocals with the broken lens now.

GITTES: (continuing) -- right here, in this pond. You drowned him... and you left these.

E como Noé os afasta dele para não se incriminar, Gittes provavelmente está certo.

15.03.2016 / 11:12