No canon principal, a "vida real" do Kobayashi Maru inspiração nunca foi detalhada.
Em canon estendido, um novo romance com o mesmo nome do navio revela que o cenário original ocorre durante o período que antecedeu a Guerra entre a Terra e Romulana . Na época, os romulanos tinham sido
using a "telecapture device" to remotely hijack enemy vessels for various skullduggery. The Maru was struck by a gravitic mine en route to making a run to a secret Vulcan listening post near Romulan space, carrying supplies and 300 passengers to staff the post. This incident was engineered by the Romulans to lure the NX-01 Enterprise into range of the telecapture device. The Enterprise was provided with a warning of the trap, leaving Archer with a no-win scenario: attempt a rescue with significant risk of losing his ship to the enemy, or allow the Maru, its passengers and crew to perish.