Quem estava alimentando os prisioneiros do Pit in the Dark Knight Rises?


Já faz um tempo desde que eu vi The Dark Knight Rises , mas algo me ocorreu. Quem estava alimentando os prisioneiros quando Bruce foi preso? Eu assumo que o Warlord os alimentou quando ele estava no comando, mas quem os alimentou assim que Bane assumiu?

por Rogue Jedi 03.09.2015 / 18:24

1 resposta

Não é evidente a partir do roteiro, nem da novelização quem está alimentando os habitantes do Pit. Há uma breve menção do médico sendo "pago" para manter Bruce vivo e parece haver pão e outros alimentos na prisão, sugerindo strongmente que alguém (capangas de Bane? A Liga das Sombras? ?) estão largando comida de vez em quando, em quantidades suficientes para alimentar os habitantes.

Bruce grimaced. He lay miserably atop the cot, from which he hadn’t stirred for who knew how long. Feverish and weak, he’d lost all track of time, drifting in and out of awareness. His head pounded, and the searing pain in his back was a constant companion, even in his sleep. Existence had become an endless ordeal he could never escape. He could not even clean himself.

“Do it for the pleasure,” he said bitterly. But the nameless European placed a stale piece of bread to Bruce’s lip. He shrugged apologetically.

“They pay me more than that to keep you alive.”

  • The Dark Knight Trilogy: Official Novelisation

PRISONER: He asks if you would pay us to let you die. I told him you have nothing.

WAYNE: Do it for the pleasure.

[The Prisoner puts bread to Wayne’s lips.]

PRISONER: They pay me more than that to keep you alive.

[A chant gets Wayne’s attention. He rolls his head painfully to watch a Tattooed Prisoner hand a thick rope to a Strong Man, who ties it around his chest, watched by other Prisoners.]

  • The Dark Knight Trilogy: The Complete Screenplays
06.11.2015 / 21:57