Aparentemente, houve alguns episódios em que ele estava errado. Estou adicionando o que me lembro, mas adicionarei mais se me deparar com eles mais tarde.
No episódio, The Hamburger Postulate , o Dr. Leslie Winkles corrige sua equação errada.
Sheldon: My equations, someone’s tampered with my equations.
Leonard: Are you sure?
Sheldon: Of course I’m sure. Look at the beta-function of quantum chrono-dynamics, the sign’s been changed.
Leonard: Oh yeah. But doesn’t that fix the problem you’ve been having?
Sheldon: Are you insane? Are you out of your mind? Are you…. hey look, that fixes the problem I’ve been having.
Lesley: (entering) You’re welcome.
Sheldon: You did this?
Lesley: Yeah, I noticed it when I got up to get a glass of water, so I fixed it, now you can show that quarks are asymptotically free at high energies. Pretty cool, huh?
No episódio, The Bat Jar Conjecture , quando Sheldon está participando da Physics Bowl contra Leonard e sua equipe, ambas as partes estão presas na última pergunta. O zelador da equipe de Sheldon responde corretamente, mas Sheldon se recusa a fazer a resposta da equipe devido ao seu ego.
Sheldon: Hang on, hang on a second, that’s not our answer. What are you doing?
Third Floor Janitor: Answering question. Winning physics bowl.
Sheldon: How do you know anything about physics?
Third Floor Janitor: Here I am janitor, in former Soviet Union I am physicist. Leningrad Politechnica. Go Polar Bears.
Sheldon: Well that’s a delightful little story, but our arrangement was that you sit here and not say anything, I answer the questions.
Third Floor Janitor: You didn’t answer question.
e mais tarde,
Gablehouser: Denied. I need your official answer.
Sheldon: No. I decline to provide one.
Gablehouser: Well, that’s too bad, because the answer your teammate gave was correct.
No episódio The Hawking Excitation , quando Hawking o chama para discutir sobre seu papel, Hawking diz a ele que ele cometeu um erro aritmético na página 2. Depois disso, ele desmaia.
Hawking: That’s nice. Too bad it’s wrong.
Sheldon: What do you mean wrong?
Hawking: You made an arithmetic mistake on page two. It was quite the boner.
Sheldon: No, no, th-th-th-that can’t be right. I-I don’t make arithmetic mistakes.
Hawking: Are you saying I do?
Sheldon: Oh, no, no, no, of course not. It’s just, I was thinking… Oh, gosh, golly, I made a boo-boo, and I gave it to Stephen Hawking.
Hawking: Great, another fainter.
No episódio, The Jiminy Conjecture , Howard e Sheldon apostam se o críquete é um campo comum ou uma árvore com neve. Aparentemente, Sheldon estava errado sobre o grilo sendo uma árvore com neve.
Prof Crawley: It’s a field cricket.
Howard: Yes!
Sheldon: No, no, wait. Dr. Crawley, are you sure?
Prof Crawley: Young man, I’ve been studying insects since I was eight years old. You know what they used to call me in school? Creepy Crawley.