No excelente Manual Técnico da Frota da Estrela , o Carta de Federação declara que a 'Frota Estelar' consistirá inicialmente de frotas planetárias e que os membros também concordam em financiar as frotas planetárias . projeto de uma frota especificamente para uso da Federação.
Portanto, as primeiras classes de Starships não eram classes específicas, mas sim frotas fornecidas por membros. A primeira ' classe ' de nave projetada especificamente para a Star Fleet era um " Heavy Cruiser Tipo de nave"Article 43
All members of The United Federation, in obligation to the maintenance of interplanetary peace and security, agree to make available to Star Fleet, on call of the Federation Council, armed forces, assistance, and facilities, including rights of passage, necessary for the maintenance of interplanetary peace and security;
Article 52.
- There is established a Star Fleet as the armed peace-keeping forces of the United Federation of Planets. It shall initially by comprised of contingents assigned to it by members of the United Federation of Planets under Article 43 until such time as facilities, recruitment, and training obviates the necessity of drawing upon the armament of any member
Article 53
- Initial expenditure is granted under these articles of Federation for the design, procurement, and operation of fourteen (14) heavy cruiser type of starships to provide the nucleus of Star Fleet's peace-keeping armed forces. These cruisers shall be capable of extended duration patrol of intra-galactic range, with weaponry appropriate to such class starships. They shall be provided with fire-power superior to that now employed by any member of the United Federation, and appropriate to the tasks expected of them;