Existe alguma explicação canônica ou da UE sobre o que aconteceu com Sabé após os eventos do Episódio 1? Eu diria que ela provavelmente prosseguiu em outras missões secretas como isca.
Existe alguma explicação canônica ou da UE sobre o que aconteceu com Sabé após os eventos do Episódio 1? Eu diria que ela provavelmente prosseguiu em outras missões secretas como isca.
Aprendemos no romance (canon) Guerra nas Estrelas: Sombra da Rainha depois que Padmé se tornou senadora, Sabé continuou trabalhando para ela, principalmente em contato com o serviço de inteligência Naboo (para ajudar a erradicar qualquer conspiração contra o senador), mas também como piloto.
“I have been working as part of the senator’s security detail on Coruscant,” Sabé informed the queen. “Along with Captain Tonra, I have been undercover in one of the capital’s seedier neighborhoods, gathering intelligence on the public opinion of Senator Amidala.”
A última menção canônica de Sabé é que, após a morte de sua amiga (e ex-empregadora) Padmé Amidala, Sabé planejava viajar para Coruscant sob sua cobertura anterior, a fim de descobrir a verdade por trás de sua morte prematura. Antes que ela pudesse sair, ela foi contatada por Bail Organa.
“I’m going to find out what happened to my friend,” Sabé said. She got up and began to pace the small room. She couldn’t sit still anymore. She couldn’t stay on this paradise of a world while there were dreadful secrets for her to uncover. Cordé was dead. Versé was dead. Obi-Wan was dead. Master Billaba was dead. Anakin Skywalker was dead.
Padmé Amidala Naberrie was dead, her dreams with her.
“I’ll go back to Coruscant,” she said. “I’ll be Tsabin a little bit longer. One or two of our old contacts might still be there. They might know something, and that would be a place to start.”...
Sabé held the device in her palm and activated it, calling up a familiar figure. When she spoke, it was in Amidala’s voice. She had no intention of giving anything away.
“Senator Organa, now is not a good time,” she said. “What do you want?”
A implicação clara é que ela se tornaria um dos primeiros membros da Aliança para restaurar a República.
De acordo com Star Wars: Force Unleashed Campaign GuideSabé continuou a servir o estado de Naboo como intermediário do Senado Galáctico e, mais tarde, como um agente secreto da Campanha para Restaurar a República, servindo como professor para Leia Organa e sua irmã Winter.
The former handmaiden and bodyguard for Padme Amidala pursues a similar career after the Clone Wars, working as a diplomatic agent for Naboo's rulers and a clandestine operative for the resistance movement among various Imperial Senators and insurgent groups. After the Clone Wars. Sabé continues her service to the Naboo govern¬ment as an aid to its representative to the Imperial Senate. Angered by what little she knew of her friend Padmé Amidala's death, Sabé identifies and cultivates contacts in the Senate and on sympathetic worlds who secretly opposed Palpatine's tyrannical rule and the Empire's oppressive policies. While walking the corridors of the bureaucracy she quietly aids the resistance, relaying messages between agents, gathering, analyzing, and disseminating intelligence, guarding against Imperial treachery, and counseling those who are seeking to channel aid to freedom fighters around the galaxy.
As a diplomatic emissary, Sabé has official access to transportation, not only between Naboo and Coruscant but to any worlds that have business, negotiations, or ties with her homeworld. This mobility enables her to expand her secret resistance activities beyond the Senate chamber; she smuggles equipment to nascent insurgent cells, conveys intelligence about Imperial operations, and trains freedom fighters in combat and espionage.
During this time, she befriends Senator Bail Organa and becomes one of his principal agents carrying out operations behind the scenes. She makes many trips to Alderaan to check in on Amidala's daughter, now Organa's adopted daughter, Leia. Organa encourages Sabé to tutor Leia and her close companion Winter in a variety of subjects, from etiquette and bureaucracy to the more esoteric arts. Though Leia learns much from Sabé, Winter spends more time with her, improving skills that later serve her well as Leia's double and bodyguard.
Ela também faz uma breve aparição em uma história em quadrinhos "Em triplicado"A partir de Revista Clone Wars. Situada durante as Guerras Clônicas, ela evidentemente ainda trabalhava com Padmé como dublê de corpo.