O que exatamente esse mecânico sabotou na American Airlines 737, e quão perigoso era?


Um mecânico da American Airlines sabotou um 737 em Miami

An American Airlines mechanic accused of sabotaging a navigation system on a flight with 150 people aboard at Miami International Airport was denied bond by a federal judge on Wednesday after prosecutors suggested he may have links to a Middle East terrorist organization.

Abdul-Majeed Marouf Ahmed Alani, a 60-year-old veteran employee, told investigators after his arrest earlier this month that he disabled the system because he was upset over stalled union contract negotiations with the airline and wanted to generate some overtime for maintenance on the plane. He said he meant no harm to anyone, and the July 17 flight was aborted before takeoff after an error alert appeared on the navigation system.

Seu advogado de defesa disse que não era tão importante quanto eles estavam fazendo parecer

But Alani’s assistant federal public defender, Christian Dunham, said the prosecutors were exaggerating the evidence. He pointed out that there was a second navigation system still working on the plane so his alleged sabotage could not have caused it to crash.

“We don’t believe he intentionally endangered the safety of people” on that flight, said Dunham, who sought a pretrial bond signed by Alani’s family members in California and Florida. “I think the government is blowing this out of proportion.”

O que ele sabotou e qual seria a gravidade se tivesse decolado?

por Machavity 20.09.2019 / 04:52

2 respostas

É um crime grave, mas o que esse cara fez, afetando apenas um de cada três sistemas, dificilmente causaria um acidente se os pilotos fossem razoavelmente competentes. A decolagem seria rejeitada assim que a fita de velocidade do lado bloqueado falhasse "ganhando vida", bem abaixo do 80kt (o piloto que não voa verifica se ambas as fitas de velocidade começam a se mover à medida que o avião acelera - essa seria a primeira pista óbvia e é uma ação muito básica em um jato).

20.09.2019 / 06:13

De acordo com a BBCDescrição, ele bloqueou um dos tubos de pitot.

(...) a piece of foam was found glued inside a navigation system part which stopped it from functioning. It was reportedly inside the tube leading from the outside of the plane to its air data module, a system that reports aircraft speed, pitch [sic] and other critical flight data.

Um pitot bloqueado é muito sério. Um pitot bloqueado causou o acidente de Birgenair vôo 301 após a decolagem, por exemplo.

20.09.2019 / 05:02