Usar o feitiço de repetição na misericórdia do caçador funciona?


Hunter's mercy is a spell that appeared in several sources, the version we are using is the spell compendium one.

This transmutation makes a bow strike true. Your first hit with a bow (not including crossbows) in the next round is automatically a critical hit. If you don't hit in the round following the casting of this spell, the effect is wasted.

This spell's duration is Rodada 1 but its effects are applied during your next round (unlike True Strike which has "Duration: see text" and it lasts until the end of your turn in the next round or when its bonus is used).
As far as i know if something lasts 1 round it ends before you take your turn in the next round (well, in general usually something that started on your turn ends before your turn in the round when it's supposed to end...assuming it's supposed to end).

So, my reasoning is that while the spell lasts 1 round, the effect takes place in the next, thus receiving another spell in the next round won't make the second spell override the previous one (as usual when you cast the same spell with the same conditions twice). If my reasoning is correct it should work like this:

Gire 1: Cast repeat hunter's mercy
Before Turn 2: 1st hunter's mercy spell ends
Gire 2: 2nd hunter's mercy is casted, 1st hunter's mercy effect is applied
Before Turn 3: 2nd hunter's mercy spell ends
Gire 3: 2nd hunter's mercy effect is applied

Isso é correto?
PS: The spell is being cast from a wand. No PC Ranger build was harmed in the making of this spell

por valepu 24.02.2019 / 20:53

1 resposta

That's how it works

The question's assessment of how the 1st-level ranger spell misericórdia do caçador [div] (Compêndio de Feitiços 117) interacts with the metamagic feat Repeat Spell (Arcano completo 82–3) is accurate.

The unusual interaction between the misericórdia do caçador entrada do feitiço de Duration: 1 round and its description that specifically says, "Your first hit with a bow… in the next round [n.b. not esta round but depois de the spell's duration expires] is automatically a critical hit," essentially prevents a caster from, for example, benefiting from a second or more misericórdia do caçador spell's effect twice on the round after they're cast, like one misericórdia do caçador spell cast normally and a second a misericórdia do caçador spell cast on the mesmo turn using the metamagic feat Quicken Spell (Manual do Jogador 98) (q.v. Combinando efeitos mágicos (PH 171–2)). This interaction of game elements reduces arguments about duplo critical hits, for example, and limits the possibility of reading differently the word primeiro in the spell's description because of timing issues.

While the question provides an overview of how this works in play, for clarity, the following is a step-by-step example:


  • Turn 1: Abe takes a move action to move and, during that move action, takes a free action to draw his wand of repeat hunter's mercy. Abe takes a standard action to activate the wand, spending 1 of the wand's charges.
  • Turn 2: Right before Abe's turn begins, the 1-round duration of the spell hunter's mercy expires. At the beginning of Abe's turn, the repeated iteration of the spell hunter's mercy is cast on Abe. Abe takes a free action to activate his glove of the master strategist to retrieve his bow, takes a free action to swap hands with his bow and his wand, and activates his glove of the master strategist again to stow the wand. Abe takes a full-round action to make a full attack, launching a bunch of arrows at the roper (Monster Manual 215-16) that thought it was concealed across the chasm. Abe's first attack hits and, because of the effect of the spell hunter's mercy, is automatically a critical hit.
  • Turn 3: Right before Abe's turn begins, the 1-round duration of the repeated iteration spell hunter's mercy expires. Abe takes a full-round action to make a full attack, launching a bunch of arrows at that same poor roper. Abe's first attack hits and, because of the effect of the repeated iteration of the spell hunter's mercy, is automatically a critical hit. The roper dies.

A wand of repeat hunter's mercy, by the way is no small investment—a repeat hunter's mercy spell is typically considered a 4th-level spell when made into a magic item, and the modified spell's caster level is typically 7; this makes the price of a wand of repeat hunter's mercy typically 21,000 gp… or 420 gp per charge.

This isn't an obsceno amount for a high-level character to spend during combat—a high-level flasked avenger can spend significantly more—, but this kind of investment is something that a ranger keeps in his luva do mestre estrategista (Ghostwalk 71) (3,600 gp; 0 lbs.) or in the wand chamber (Dungeonscape 30, 34) (100 gp; 0 lbs.) of his bow—or even his braid blade (Masmorra #120 35) (10 gp; 0.5 lbs.) or another weapon that's always ready—, rather than activating the varinha, taking a free action to drop it, and recovering it later.

24.02.2019 / 23:19