will a larger gauge wire used to extend and outlet prevent power loss


i need to get a power source 200' out from an existing outlet. Can I use a 8 gauge wire from the existing outlet to the new one to prevent power loss?

por Todd 15.07.2019 / 01:33

1 resposta

Absolutely. You are always allowed to upsize the wire. You will need to trança the ends of the wires onto a smaller wire so it will fit on the terminals at both ends.

I gather you've recently visited a voltage drop calculator. A few tricks on using those effectively:

  • Use the Ampere rating of the actual loads you will be powering, never use the amps of the breaker trip. In fact, if your load is more than 80% of breaker trip (16A for a 20A breaker), that means you're overloading the circuit. So you should never put more than 16A for a 20A circuit.
  • 3% is not gospel. The best practice is to limit voltage drop to 8% from the service panel to the final load, so you should separately add up voltage drop for each wiring segment. Often with those calcs, if you change the number to 4%, you find that the next smaller wire would have worked at, say 3.3% (which is perfectly fine).
  • Make sure you select 120V or 240V correctly.
  • Distance is one-way (on most of them). It's automatically calculating for both directions of voltage drop.
15.07.2019 / 01:43
