What technologies exist to find an aircraft position after it crashed out of line of sight? [closed]


What is the best way in the manner of products to find an aircraft after it crashed out of line of sight. Are there defined standards, and what are the selection criteria?

por K.Ense 29.04.2019 / 17:40

2 respostas

It depends on the UAV. Many consumer UAVs eg DJI, etc. track the position of the drone via GPS and log it so you can find the crash site quickly. Others emit beeping noises so you can locate it by sound.

29.04.2019 / 17:46

Any recent Android mobile phone has "encontrar meu dispositivo" feature now, even if no additional apps are installed.

Attach an Android phone with the dedicated Google account logged into to the AC and you will be able to find the location, say, by visiting Google website from your tablet. You can buy a ruggedized phone that is more likely to survive the crash.

30.04.2019 / 09:34