Qual criatura montadora de raios tem velocidade de planador e imunidade elétrica?


Não consigo rastrear uma criatura sobre a qual li: ela possui velocidade de planador, imunidade a danos elétricos e, quando atingida por danos elétricos, pode se teletransportar para sua fonte. Isso resultou no hábito de procurar lugares altos durante tempestades, para que pudesse ser atingido por um raio, se teletransportar para as nuvens e aproveitar a volta para casa.

Qualquer ideia?

por ThanosMaravel 23.04.2019 / 11:52

1 resposta

Sua criatura é encontrada no suplemento Lords of Madness, p. 171 e é chamado de zeugalak.

it has a gliding speed

Feather Fall (Su): At will, a zeugalak can use a feather fall effect (as the spell, caster level 16th) with personal range.

immunity to electric damage

Electrical Affinity (Su): A zeugalak takes no damage from electricity. [...]

and when hit by electric damage could teleport to its source

Electrical Teleportation (Su): If a zeugalak gains points to its Dexterity from an electricity-based attack, it can instantly teleport (as the spell greater teleport) to the source of the electrical attack.

This resulted in its habit of seeking high places during thunderstorms, so it could be hit by lightning, teleport into the clouds and enjoy the ride home.

Zeugalaks are especially active during thunderstorms, and cavort atop mountain peaks during such weather. Their terrible bellows of delight when they are struck by bolts of lightning can carry for miles. When struck, they use their electrical teleportation ability to teleport high into the clouds above so they can enjoy the long feather fall back to the ground below through the surrounding storm.

23.04.2019 / 13:15