Por que o recurso de Star Trek: Insurrection HMS Pinafore?

Em Star Trek: Insurrection, o Capitão Picard e Worf cantam um Tar Britânico de HMS Pinafore por Gilbert e Sullivan em uma tentativa de distrair Dados.

Como Picard menciona naquela cena, Data estava ensaiando a música para uma performance a bordo do Enterprise.

No entanto, existe uma razão fora do universo para a escolha dessa opereta específica para o filme?

Memória Alfa dá uma dica que Patrick Stewart sugeriu HMS Pinafore (quando o O plano original para a cena era que eles recitariam do King Lear de Shakespear, aparentemente citando o livro Fade In: Da ideia ao rascunho final .

O livro Fade In: From Idea to Final Draft fornece mais detalhes sobre essa mudança?

por tmh 01.01.2016 / 22:00

1 resposta

A citação desse livro é:

Patrick was uncomfortable using Shakespeare in the ship battle with Data. “I don’t think the Lear quotes work,” he’d said in his notes. “It will be meaningless to most of our audience and I’m not sure I believe in what it is meant to do.”

The idea harkened back to the television series when Picard had taught Data about humanity by directing him in fully-recreated scenes from Shakespeare’s plays on the holodeck. We’d actually built one memorable episode around the themes of Henry V. In addition, I thought the King’s madness in Lear would provide a metaphor for Data’s erratic behavior.

Losing Shakespeare didn’t really bother me. But I felt we needed something like it. I argued that Picard would try every trick to safely capture Data before ever firing a weapon that might harm him. Patrick suggested, “Well, couldn’t I tell him some jokes that we both know or perhaps sing something from Gilbert and Sullivan?” And a new sequence was born

No entanto, isso entra em conflito com suas declarações passadas de que ele apenas não está interessado em seus trabalhos

In the new Star Trek flick, Stewart's Picard has a lengthy scene with Worf and Data in which they sing "A British Tar" from Gilbert & Sullivan's HMS Pinafore. Again, to some surprise, it's not Stewart's cup of tea.

"I'm sorry, but i really don't like Gilbert & Sullivan," he says, shaking his head between his hands. "It's like the Marx Brothers. I've tried but I just don't get it."

Patrick Stewart conta a história de forma muito diferente. Aparentemente, ele não estava interessado, mas todas as outras sugestões foram descartadas

This is how it goes with putting movies together. Michael came up with this idea of "OK how do we distract Data? take him off guard with something that might just distract him for a moment". What he wrote was Shakespeare, rehearsing him in a scene from King Lear. Oh God it was deadly. It was nice, I mean King Lear's a great play but it's not the moment you wanted to have there. I don't recall whose idea it was but "maybe it's musical" came up. First of all, I said, anything that Tony Bennett sings is what we should do, because Brent has this beautiful tenor voice. They said it's obvious and corny and Rick is always reluctant to make 20th century references so overtly. And then Michael came up with the G&S. Now, just like the Marx Brothers, I don't get G&S. Never have. But I thought wait a minute I know what they should sing! Picture Picard and Data singing Three Little Maids . And they said "no that's vulgar, Patrick." And they came up with this song which I resisted and fought and said no it's boring but I was wrong. It's totally successful. So that's how the G&S came about. It works nicely. You're right, the counterpoint of the G&S and what they're actually doing is charming.

01.01.2016 / 22:34