Anime como Pokemon, mas cilindros azuis em vez de pokeballs e uma criatura que era um urso branco gigante com cristais azuis nas costas


É muito parecido com Pokémon, mas em vez de pokeballs, existem cilindros azuis e eu lembro dessa criatura que era um urso branco gigante com cristais azuis nas costas. Eu acho que o cara principal está tentando encontrar o pai?

por Danielle 12.02.2019 / 12:41

2 respostas

Eu encontrei o anime que eu estava procurando. É chamado Monsuno.

The show revolves around "re-awakened Monster DNA called Monsuno" that finds its way into the unsuspecting hands of adventure-seeking teenagers Chase, Jinja, and Bren. Accompanied by their Monsuno, Liger, Charger, and Quickforce, they are searching for Chase's father Jeredy Suno, the creator of the Monsuno. They are soon joined by Beyal, a monk from the Himalayas along with his Monsuno Glowblade. Beyal often speaks of five people that with the help of their Monsuno, could change the world. It just so happens that they are that five, along with Dax, a teenager who along with his Monsuno Airswitch, opposes the team and is disliked among most people. The team has yet to befriend him and persuade him to join their cause. They are also on the run from a H.A.M.M.E.R.-type agency called "S.T.O.R.M." (Strategic Tactical Operatives for Recovery of Monsuno) whose plans are still in question and Dr. Emanuel Klipse, a malevolent scientist who has his own nefarious plans.

O monstro do urso branco é Travar.

Imagem de Lock

Obrigado pela ajuda a todos.

12.02.2019 / 13:23

Isso pode ser Magi-Nation.

Respingo Magi-Mation

The evil Shadow Magi, Agram, was sealed in the Core through the power of the Core Glyph and the eleven Dreamstones. Three thousand years later, his power has grown and threatens to destroy the Moonlands. To combat Agram, a human boy, Tony Jones, was summoned to fulfill a prophecy of the Final Dreamer and to join Edyn and Strag on a mission to follow the Book of Elders and collect the Dreamstones.

O que não combina é que Tony não está procurando por seu pai, embora haja um episódio em que uma das companheiras está procurando salvar seu pai.

Iyori brings word from Paradwyn that Ashio is poisoning the Moonland's soil and that her father and leader of Paradwyn, Bazha, has been captured. With the help of Saranther, the trio are able to rescue Bazha and restore Paradwyn.

Música tema

Encontrei isso através de uma pesquisa por anime animal de estimação monstro cristais azuis.

12.02.2019 / 12:50