Quais documentos de suporte devo incluir no meu pedido de visto no Reino Unido?


Parece haver um padrão consistente no TSE, com dezenas de perguntas sobre qual a documentação que melhor acompanha um pedido de visto, feita não apenas pelos que se candidataram após uma recusa, mas pelos candidatos iniciantes antes do envio (e alguns com pós-envio) ansiedade).

O que está sendo esquecido, perdido na tradução, perdido? Por que essa pergunta está sendo feita aqui, quando o governo do Reino Unido publica suas próprias informações diretas?

por George 04.05.2017 / 14:36

1 resposta

Embora a maioria dos solicitantes de visto entenda que precisam incluir informações básicas, a atividade aqui sugere que muitos não percebem um link importante na visão geral sobre como solicitar um visto no Reino Unido, que para documentos de apoio:

Documents you must provide

When you apply you’ll need to provide:

  • a current passport or other valid travel identification
  • evidence that you can support yourself during your trip, such as bank statements or payslips from the last 6 months

Read the full list of supporting documents you can provide.

You might need to provide additional documents if you’re visiting the UK:

  • for private medical treatment
  • to apply as an organ donor
  • as an academic on sabbatical and want to stay for 12 months
  • as a prospective entrepreneur
  • to take the Professional and Linguistic Assessment Board (PLAB) test or sit the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)

Publicado pela primeira vez no 2012, atualizado anualmente (e com uma tradução adicional para o chinês), este guia de sete páginas responde a muitas, se não todas, as perguntas mais frequentes.

Em apenas uma página, ele descreve documentos fundamentais:

Section 2: other documents you may want to provide – all visitors

This section provides guidance on the types of documents that you may want to provide to help us consider your application against the Immigration Rules.

Previous travel documents/passports, which show previous travel.

Financial documents showing that you have sufficient funds available. These must clearly show that you have access to the funds, such as:

  • bank statements
  • building society book
  • proof of earnings such as a letter from employer confirming employment details (start date of employment, salary, role, company contact details)
  • where a third party (who is either in the UK or who will be legally in the UK at the time of your visit) is providing financial support to you e.g. a business, a friend or a relative, documents to show they have sufficient resources to support you in addition to themselves and any dependant family should be provided

Confirmation of legal residence, if you are not a national of the country in which you are applying or your right to reside there is not included in your passport.

Details of employment or studies where you have stated in your application that you are either employed or in full-time studies. This could include:

  • a letter from your employer on company headed paper, detailing your role,
  • salary and length of employment
  • a letter from your education provider, on headed paper, confirming your enrolment and leave of absence

If self employed: business registration documents confirming the business owner’s name and the date the business started trading.

Business activities – where you are coming to the UK in order to undertake activities relating to your occupation/employment outside the UK you should submit documents showing what you will be doing in the UK, including any letters from inviting organisations. For example:

  • any business activities, e.g. letter from your employer outlining the reason for your visit, who you will be meeting and details of any payment/expenses
  • for performances and entertainment visitors, whether you work in this area as a professional or amateur , and what and where you will be performing

Under 18s – we strongly recommend you submit the following information otherwise it may delay consideration of your application.

  • a Birth Certificate or legal document (such as adoption papers) showing the relationship between you and your parent or guardian If travelling unaccompanied or with someone other than your parent(s) you should provide:

  • a signed letter from your parent(s) confirming details of anyone accompanying you, and details of care and accommodation arranged in the UK

  • a copy of your parent(s) or legal guardian’s biographical page of their passport, which includes their signature and passport number if your parent(s) do not have a passport then you must provide another official document which bears their signature

O que se segue (Seção 3) são documentos adicionais para tipos de visitantes específicos:

  • acadêmicos que vêm realizar pesquisas (visto do mês 12)
  • acadêmico acompanhante da família que vem para realizar pesquisas (visto do mês 12)
  • tratamento médico privado
  • doadores de órgãos
  • empresário em potencial
  • treinamento relacionado ao trabalho
  • artistas em festivais gratuitos
  • Esquema de destino aprovado
  • compromissos pagos permitidos
  • visitante (casamento / parceria civil)
  • trânsito

E, o mais satisfatório, a Seção 4 lista documentos que não deve ser enviado para dar suporte a aplicativos.

Não ler as instruções antes de uma tarefa é algo que muitos de nós fazemos, mesmo com um projeto tão simples como montar uma tabela IKEA LACK. Com algo tão complexo e importante quanto a solicitação de visto, a sabedoria sugere uma leitura completa Guia para documentos de suporte: visitando o Reino Unido pode evitar os erros e omissões mais comuns.

04.05.2017 / 14:36