O que significa o final de "O Favorito"?


Estou tentando entender o que aconteceu no final de "O Favorito":

Emma Stone squeezes a rabbit with her foot, Olivia Colman asks her to rub her leg and then there is a strange montage of rabbits.

por ChuckLeviton 20.03.2019 / 20:45

2 respostas

O final é meio simbólico e pronto para interpretação. Minha interpretação foi depois que a rainha Anne teve o derrame e lidando com os efeitos dela, ela agora vive na miséria.

Ela está meio que sozinha, tendo apenas Abigail, que a rainha está percebendo que é frívola e cruel. Ela havia banido Sarah (personagem de Rachel Weisz), com quem claramente sentia um vínculo, para que seu humor fosse ainda mais prejudicado por isso. E acrescentar sofrer um derrame em cima de tudo o que apenas a deixou se sentindo sozinha e infeliz.

A montagem de coelhos consome a tela, cada coelho um lembrete de cada um dos filhos falecidos da rainha que ela perdeu no parto. A miséria consome a tela e a vida da rainha e aqueles que tentam pedir seu favor. O rosto de Abigail está dolorido e triste, pois ela tem que se curvar e se curvar aos caprichos da rainha. Eu acho que é isso que a montagem de coelhos deve representar, mas isso depende da interpretação, eu acho.

20.03.2019 / 23:30

De acordo com Collider:

The Favourite‘s ending makes itself very clear. All three women are now stuck in their own personal hell.

Abigail, who escaped her horrible marriage and a life of sexual submission is now slave to another master. “My life is like a maze I continually think I’ve gotten out of only to find another corner right in front of me,” Abigail tells her miserable new husband mid-way through the film. By the end, she may no longer be laying among the sickly and she won’t have to watch unwanted men jerk off at her, but her life of luxuries is dependent on the queen’s favor and she remains trapped in submission; still locked in her maze of sexual servitude.

Sarah’s fate similarly leave her trapped in her nightmare. The woman who cared about queen and country above all else, is exiled from both. Sarah was willing to sacrifice her husband to the war if it was the necessary price, she loved her queen very literally for most of their lives, and now she is banished from her life there. Her hell is in her absence.

As for the queen, her health is rapidly degenerating and she is more or less helpless without Sarah’s stern missives to follow. “She saved me my whole life, without her I am nothing,” the queen says when Sarah first goes missing, and there is truth in it. Sarah was strict, but always with love. She would not let the queen have sugar, lest it hurt her stomach. Left to her own devices, Anne binges on blue cake, throwing up between bites. Left in Aibigail’s care, the queen asks what would happen if she fell asleep in her mud bath and slipped under. “Imagine it’s hot chocolate,” Abigail says. To be with Abigail is to drown and choke on your indulgences. Without Sarah to care for her, Anne really and truly is left with no one who loves her, just her rabbits — the stand-ins for her true happiness — and the very manifestation of her trauma and grief take over the screen until they multiply and are all that remain.

21.03.2019 / 11:23